Native American advocates of change Washington Redskins name controversy

protest against name of washington redskins

in 1940s national congress of american indians (ncai) created campaign eliminate negative stereotyping of native american people in media. on time, campaign began focus on indian names , mascots in sports. ncai maintains teams mascots such braves , redskins perpetuate negative stereotypes of native american people, , demean native traditions , rituals. ncai issued new report in 2013 summarizing opposition indian mascots , team names generally, , washington redskins in particular. in trademark case, ttab placed significance on ncai opposition, estimating organization represented 30% of native american population @ time trademarks granted, met criteria substantial composite of native americans finding name disparaging. in amicus brief filed in case, ncai states combined enrollment of member tribes in 2013 1.2 million individuals.

many tribal councils have passed resolutions or issued statements regarding opposition name of washington redskins, including cherokee , comanche nations of oklahoma, inter tribal council of arizona, inter-tribal council of 5 civilized tribes, oneida indian nation (new york), standing rock sioux tribe (north dakota) , united south , eastern tribes (uset). in april 2014, navajo nation council voted in favor of statement opposing name of washington team, other disparaging references american indians other professional sports franchises. other native american groups advocating change include: native american bar association of dc, national caucus of native american state legislators, , society of american indian government employees.

individual native americans or have been actively opposed redskins name include:

author sherman alexie (spokane)
co-founder of american indian movement clyde bellecourt (ojibwe)
former u.s. senator ben nighthorse campbell (northern cheyenne)
historian , author vine deloria, jr. (sioux)
director of national museum of american indian kevin gover (pawnee)
author , recent presidential medal of freedom recipient suzan shown harjo (cheyenne/hodulgee muscogee)
activist/actor russell means (oglala lakota)

^ j gordon hylton (2010). before redskins redskins: use of native american team names in formative era of american sports, 1857–1933 (pdf). 86. north dakota law review: 879. retrieved november 14, 2017. 
^ anti-defamation , mascots . national congress of american indians. retrieved 12 january 2013. 
^ ncai releases report on history , legacy of washington s harmful indian sports mascot . national congress of american indians. retrieved october 11, 2013. 
^ ryan van bibber (june 19, 2014). 12 questions (and answers) explain redskins trademark case . sb*nation. retrieved november 14, 2017. 
^ ncai amicus brief (pdf). native american rights fund. retrieved october 24, 2017. 
^ letter honorable maria cantwell, chairwoman of senate committee on indian affairs (pdf). change mascot. november 1, 2013. retrieved november 14, 2017. 
^ gene lehmann. leaders of 5 tribes gather @ chickasaw nation s artesian hotel intertribal council . chickasaw times. archived original on october 16, 2013. retrieved october 21, 2013. 
^ resolution supporting renaming of washington redskins (pdf). july 10, 2013. retrieved november 14, 2017. 
^ theresa vargas; annys shin (november 16, 2013). oneida indian nation tiny tribe taking on nfl , dan snyder on redskins name . washington post. retrieved november 14, 2017. 
^ uset resolution no. 2014:015 calling on national football league end use of washington d.c. racially offensive slur team mascot name (pdf). october 31, 2013. retrieved november 14, 2017. 
^ associated press (april 11, 2014). navajo council, un expert criticize redskins name . yahoo news. retrieved november 14, 2017. 
^ native american bar association of washington, d.c. resolution # 2015 - 1 (pdf). november 17, 2015. retrieved november 19, 2017. 
^ national caucus of native american state legislators (pdf). august 18, 2014. retrieved november 19, 2017. 
^ saige position on derogatory sports mascots , team names (pdf). december 5, 2013. retrieved november 19, 2017. 
^ bill moyers (april 16, 2013). sherman alexie on living outside cultural borders . truthout. archived original on december 27, 2013. retrieved september 27, 2014. 
^ amy goodman; juan gonzález (november 8, 2013). change mascot: pressure grows nfl team drop redskins name , logo thousands protest . democracy now!. archived original on november 9, 2013. retrieved september 27, 2014. 
^ ben nuckols (may 2, 2013). poll finds widespread support redskins name . ap news. archived original on may 5, 2013. retrieved september 28, 2014. 
^ teresa wiltz (november 16, 2005). indian overturned stereotypes . washington post. retrieved september 28, 2014. 
^ joe heim (november 23, 2016). head of national museum of american indian on should know . washington post. retrieved november 21, 2017. 
^ david gianatasio (september 11, 2013). controversial sports team names gone in 5 years? prominent native american activist says yes . adweek. archived original on september 13, 2013. retrieved september 28, 2014. 
^ dirk lammers (october 22, 2012). russell means, indian activist , fighting sioux nickname critic, dies @ 72 . associated press. archived original on december 26, 2013. retrieved november 21, 2017. 


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