History Christian Social Party (Austria)

1 history

1.1 foundation
1.2 first republic
1.3 patriotic front


lueger (2nd right) , cs party fellows, 1905

the party emerged in run-up 1891 imperial council (reichsrat) elections under populist vienna politician karl lueger (1844–1910). referring ideas developed christian social movement under karl von vogelsang (1818–1890) , christian social club of workers, oriented towards petit bourgeoisie , clerical-catholic; there many priests in party, including later austrian chancellor ignaz seipel, attracted many votes tradition-bound rural population. social conservative counterweight godless social democrats, party gained mass support through luegers anti-liberal , antisemite slogans. support of austro-hungarian cohesion , ruling house of habsburg gave considerable popularity among noble class, making example of big tent party.

upon implementation of universal suffrage (for men) under minister-president max wladimir von beck, cs gained plurality in 1907 reichsrat elections, becoming largest parliamentary group in lower house; in 1911 elections, lost position social democratic workers party (sdap). though minister-president karl von stürgkh had ignored discretionary competence of parliament during 1914 july crisis, christian social party backed austrian government during world war i. nevertheless, when upon dissolution of monarchy in october 1918 german-speaking reichsrat representatives met in provisional national assembly , 65 cs deputies voted creation of republic of german-austria , accession weimar germany, though shortly after members of party began oppose german annexation.

first republic

after 1918 assembly had elected social democrat karl renner state chancellor, christian social party formed grand coalition sdap under karl seitz. in 1919 austrian constitutional assembly election, cs gained 35.9% of votes cast, making again second strongest party after social democrats. support assembly enacted habsburg law concerning expulsion , takeover of assets of house habsburg-lorraine. on 10 september 1919, chancellor karl renner had sign treaty of saint-germain, prohibited affiliation germany. ratified assembly on 21 october.

anti-semitic cs poster of 1920, depicting judeo-bolshevik serpent choking austrian eagle

however, next year coalition broke , renner resigned on 11 july 1920, succeeded christian social politician michael mayr. both parties agreed on scheduling new elections , national assembly dissolved after had passed constitution of austria on 1 october 1920. upon following 1920 election, cs gained 41.8% of votes cast surpassing social democrats , strongest party entered right-wing coalition newly established nationalist greater german people s party (gdvp). national council parliament, successor of national assembly, re-elected mayr chancellor in november 1920. cs nominated non-partisan michael hainisch, greater german sympathizer, austrian president, elected federal assembly on 9 december.

all chancellors of first austrian republic 1920 onwards members of christian social party, , president wilhelm miklas, succeeded hainisch in 1928. social democrats remained in opposition , concentrated on red vienna stronghold, while austrian political climate polarized on next years.

chancellor mayr had resign chancellor in 1922, after greater german people s party left coalition in disagreement on treaty signed czechoslovak republic concerning sudeten german territories. succeeded ignaz seipel, cs chairmen since 1921. seipel, devout catholic , fierce opponent of social democrats, able re-arrange coalition gdvp , elected chancellor on 31 may 1922. 1929 onwards, party tried form alliance heimwehr movement. because of instability of coalition party leadership decided reform coalition agrarian landbund.

patriotic front

in process of establishing so-called austro-fascist dictatorship, christian social chancellor engelbert dollfuß founded patriotic front (vaterländische front) on 20 may 1933, merging cs landbund, heimwehr , other conservative groups. party dissolved entry force of may constitution of 1934, foundation of federal state of austria.

with assumption of chancellorship nazi politician arthur seyss-inquart , succeeding anschluss of austria nazi germany in march 1938, patriotic front banned , ceased exist. after world war ii, party not refounded. of surviving cs supporters , politicians thought name had become closely associated austrofascism; founded centre-right austrian people s party (Övp), can regarded linear successor of cs.


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