Filming Sense and Sensibility (2008 miniseries)
loseley park served exterior of barton park, home of middleton family.
sense , sensibility shot entirely on location within england, in counties of berkshire, surrey, buckinghamshire, , devon. filming began in april 2007 , lasted until june. blackpool mill, fifteenth-century cottage in north devon, turned barton cottage, home of dashwood girls. art director series, james merifield, had walked past cottage in 2006 , thought ideal setting film. later sent cottage location manager sense , sensibility, , decided place right production. owners of blackpool mill, sir hugh , lady stucley, contacted in february 2007 bbc inquired possibility of filming there. caroline gammell daily telegraph reported camera crews, production assistants, directors , actors swarmed on blackpool mill, turning rustic four-bedroom home romantic hub of jane austen s novel. set designers took cottage more firmly 19th century, adding porch @ front dormer windows, fake shutters , chimney. interior of cottage little scruffy mrs dashwood s status, scenes featuring inside of cottage filmed in studio. filming took place @ cottage on 8 days in may.
wakefield revealed rained during filming, soaking cast , crew. however, bad weather led davies writing in scene featuring edward in wet shirt chopping logs in rain, rivalled famous lake scene in pride , prejudice. cooper told birmingham post s georgina rodgers bad weather affected first scene, in willoughby carries injured marianne home. explained scene shot on vertical slope rain machine, natural rain not show on camera. cloak kept getting caught under foot, made picking wakefield harder. cooper added, couldn t move , kept falling head on heels. wrotham park served exterior norland, dashwood family s home. ham house in richmond used norland s interior shots, while grounds used exterior scenes. national trust asked not cut grass several weeks before filming began. ham house doubled cleveland. loseley park chosen exterior shots of sir john middleton s home, barton park. library doubled colonel brandon s own, while entrance used scenes featuring gathering of guests day out. oak room used scenes involving marianne, after falls sick. other filming locations included dorney court, hall barn, lincoln s inn , clovelly pier.
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