Bird life of Tuvalu Funafuti Conservation Area

black noddy calling @ colony

black noddy

surveys have established total of 35 bird species confirmed in tuvalu, including:

9 species of terns (sternidae )
7 species of sandpipers (scolopacidae)
4 species of shearwaters , petrels (procellariidae)
3 species of boobies (sulidae)
2 species of tropicbirds (phaethontidae)

great frigatebird (fregata minor)
lesser frigatebird (fregata ariel)

pacific imperial pigeon (ducula pacifica) live in broadleaf forest. migratory birds found in tuvalu, such long-tailed cuckoo (eudynamys taitensis) or areva (tuvaluan). birds found in tuvalu include 17 breeding species, such as:

eight species of migratory shorebirds, including globally threatened species, bristle-thighed curlew (numenius tahitiensis); and
nine species of seabirds, including black noddy (anous minutes) or taketake (tuvaluan).

fualopa hosts breeding colony of black noddy.


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