Aftermath White Revolution

what shah did not expect white revolution lead new social tensions helped create many of problems shah had been trying avoid. shah s reforms more quadrupled combined size of 2 classes had posed challenges monarchy in past—the intelligentsia , urban working class. resentment towards shah grew since stripped of organizations had represented them in past, such political parties, professional associations, trade unions, , independent newspapers. land reform, instead of allying peasants government, produced large numbers of independent farmers , landless laborers became loose political cannons, no feeling of loyalty shah. many of masses felt resentment towards increasingly corrupt government; loyalty clergy, seen more concerned fate of populace, remained consistent or increased. ervand abrahamian pointed out, white revolution had been designed preempt red revolution. instead, paved way islamic revolution.

the white revolution’s economic trickle-down strategy did not work intended. in theory, oil money funneled elite supposed used create jobs , factories, distributing money, instead wealth tended stuck @ top , concentrated in hands of few.

the important , relevant consequence of white revolution , reforms brought rising popularity of ruhollah khomeini. growing perception of government corruption, , implementation of reforms through white revolution, khomeini grew outspoken political enemy of shah. white revolution catalyst khomeini’s change in thought. once khomeini, respected member of clergy, started openly oppose shah , call overthrow, people of different professions , economic status began see him figure rally behind.

long-term consequences

though white revolution contributed towards economic , technological advancement of iran, failures of of land reform programs , partial lack of democratic reforms, severe antagonism towards white revolution clergy , landed elites, contribute shah s downfall , iranian revolution in 1979.


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