Function Universal stress protein

the protein structure of universal stress protein found in haemophylus influenzae

the primary function of superfamily protect organism environmental stress such exposure uv light, may induce genes containing usp domain in order protect dna , more cell further damage. during bacterial starvation usp genes upregulated arrest cell growth , promote metabolism dadapt sparse nutrients.

recent research suggests proteins containing domain have functions beyond realms of dealing environmental stresses. nachin et al. demonstrated in escherichia coli usps involved in actions such adhesion , motility. researchers, through means of knocking out usp genes known uspe , uspc, saw results suggesting inability swim , lack of motility, respectively. conversely, mutants genes uspf , uspg shown have enhanced swimming abilities. therefore, mobility affected both positively , negatively usps within e. coli. demonstrates usps influence throughout cell widespread number of reasons.

additionally, in halmonas elongate, there usp called tead has been described key regulator in transport of ectoine across cell membrane. demonstrates how versatile usps can be. function, while encompasses increasing survival during stressful conditions, not limited this.


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