Flora Quảng Bình Province

trees on limestone mounts, typical florae in phong nha-kẻ bàng national park

quảng bình province endowed biodiversity, typical of annamites eco-region. according results of initial surveys, primary tropical forest in phong nha-kẻ bàng home 140 families, 427 genera, , 751 species of vascular plants, of 36 species considered endangered , listed in vietnam s red data book. common tree species in park hopea sp., sumbaviopsis albicans, garcinia fagraeoides, burretiodendron hsienmu, chukrasia tabularis, photinia arboreum , diospyros salletii. seedlings can grow in holes , cracks in limestone soil has accumulated, in general regeneration after disturbance slow. forest type in national park dominated evergreen tree species scattered deciduous trees such dipterocarpus kerri, anogeissus acuminata, pometia pinnata , lagerstroemia calyculata. in phong nha-kẻ bàng, dominant plant families lauraceae, fabaceae, theaceae , rosaceae, scattered gymnosperms such podocarpus imbricatus, podocarpus neriifolius, , nageia fleuryi.

in national park there 5000-ha forest of calocedrus macrolepis on limestone (calocedrus rupestris) mounts 2,500 trees, 600 per hectare. largest forest of tree in vietnam. of these trees here 500–600 years old. these trees listed in group 2a (rare, precious , limited exploitation) of official letter 3399/vpcp-nn dated 21 june 2002, amendment decree 48 government of vietnam. biologists discovered 3 rare orchid species. orchids found here include: paphiopedilum malipoense, paphiopedilum dianthum, paphiopedilum concolor. in 1996, iucn classified these orchid species in danger of extinction in near future.

endemic species in phong nha-kẻ bàng national park include: burretiodendron hsienmu, cryptocarya lenticellata, deutzianthus tonkinensis, eberhardtia tonkinensis, heritiera macrophylla, hopea sp., illicium parviflorum, litsea baviensis, madhuca pasquieri, michelia foveolata, peltophorum tonkinensis, semecarpus annamensis, sindora tonkinensis.


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