Political theorist Marcial Solana González-Camino

jaime balmes

solana’s political theory consists of typical traditionalist scheme , rooted in classic traditionalist works. objective of politics soberanía social de dios , while means regime founded on 3 principles. first 1 monarquía hereditaria . second 1 monarquía templada , i.e. royal powers moderated collegial bodies representing society. third 1 descentralización y autarquía , i.e. far-reaching self-government of intra-sovereign entities , communities organized on geographical, professional, functional or other basis. solana’s own contribution described picking traditionalist doctrine de mella left off , developing confront totalitarian theories emerging in 1920s , 1930s.

solana’s thought contained strong anti-tyrannical thread, embodied in concept of moderated monarchy; largely ignored rival title of key party pundit, víctor pradera, thought endorsed dictatorial solutions. during republic solana produced treaty on right resist , overthrow despotic regime. however, entirely new element introduced traditionalism spelling out incompatibility totalitarian concepts. went great lengths denouncing soviet, fascist , nazi regimes, claiming tyranny , deification of state introduce, combined excessive nationalism, render them irreconcilable traditionalist enemies . manuscript of key theoretical work, completed in 1938, in epilogue contained veiled warning franco; noted traditionalists never support regime based on foreign ideas, lamented espantosa guerra civil que desangra la patria , feared que tanta sangre y tantas ruínas y tantas desgracias might turn useless.

juan vazquez de mella

like traditionalists, solana welcomed democracy though understood principle of representation. other bit unorthodox piece of concepts references derechos del hombre , praise of religious , educational liberties (though rectamente entendida , para fínes lícitos ), notes human end , not means , sociedad es para el hombre y no al revés . of writings contain highly exalted passages on exceptional role of spaniards, comments resemblant of typical nationalist discourse , quite atypical traditionalism. finally, member of movement prided on belligerent past solana unusually bold in condemnation of espiritú de violencia ; though applied foreign ideas, careful note notorious traditionalist intransigency had limits. last not least, considered himself traditionalist rather carlist.

as political theorist solana not prolific writer. legacy consists of 1 major work, el tradicionalismo político español y la ciencia hispana, written in 1937-1938 , published in 1951; contains vision of traditionalist regime discussed against spanish theoretical background. next listed mid-size treaty la resistencia la tiranía (1933), followed 10 small , small pieces. out of these 1 should single out unpublished letters alfonso carlos, in fact legal treaties on carlist succession rules.


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