Integrist Marcial Solana González-Camino

fernández de velasco

there many carlist antecedents in solana’s family; grandfather served in legitimist troops during first carlist war, while maternal grand-uncle fernando fernández de velasco carlist deputy in 1860s , soldier during third carlist war. in late 1880s both sided secessionist integrist branch, joined marcial’s maternal uncle, josé zamanillo monreal, in 1890s became integrist leader in cantabria. in absence of late father, velasco , zamanillo formatted marcial along integrist pattern. did not engage in politics , since academic years got active in catholic initiatives; following return madrid santander solana continued on same path. entered adoración nocturna, in 1907 co-founded centro católico electoral, secretario in juntas de acción católica y defensa social, presided on sindicato católico agrario, engaged in 1908 jubileo sacerdotal of pío x , joined acndp. in 1908 entered federación agrícola montañesa.

in 1908 solana first noted speaking in public. in 1909 became concejal of villaescusa ayuntamiento , in 1910 elected alcalde of la concha, noted introducing fines offences religion , morality. active in integrist centro católico montañés, in 1910 ran representative , catholic candidate cortes, defining political objective la instauración del reinado de cristo en todos los órdenes de la vida nacional . having lost solana remained active local integrist speaker. in successive 1914 elections agreed stand catholic candidate, there no information on him running. in 1916 competed joint catholic integrist-carlist candidate supported mauristas , conservatives , emerged triumphant. in 2-year-term solana noted budget amendments favoring church. there no information on him standing in 1918 campaign, though in 1919 1 reported running lower , upper chamber. in 1920 noted taking part in electoral meeting no information related 1923 elections.

el siglo futuro

in late 1910s solana emerged among nationwide integrist activists, in 1920s starting publish front-page pieces in key integrist paper, el siglo futuro. locally member of santander junta provincial , president of municipal junta, heading local party sessions , appearing @ public gatherings alike; in 1920s commenced string mayor of villaescusa. when primo de rivera’s coup brought political life standstill solana withdrew scientific work, in public restraining himself catholic activities. nominated caballero of malta order, in mid-1920s contributed asamblea eucarística in burgos, end of decade engaging in acción católica. attending first congreso nacional of 1929, in 1929-1930 solana spoke @ different ac conferences nationwide. cardenal segura suggested entry academia pontífica de ciencias, plan has never materialized.


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