Unmanned spacecraft Spacecraft

1 unmanned spacecraft

1.1 designed manned flown unmanned spacecraft
1.2 semi-manned – manned space stations or part of space stations
1.3 earth-orbit satellites
1.4 lunar probes
1.5 planetary probes
1.6 other – deep space
1.7 fastest spacecraft
1.8 furthest spacecraft sun

unmanned spacecraft

hubble space telescope

jules verne automated transfer vehicle (atv) approaches international space station on monday, march 31, 2008

mariner 10 diagram of trajectory past planet venus

designed manned flown unmanned spacecraft

zond/l1 – lunar flyby capsule
l3 – capsule , lunar lander
tks – capsule
buran-class shuttle – soviet shuttle

semi-manned – manned space stations or part of space stations

progress – unmanned ussr/russia cargo spacecraft
tks – unmanned ussr/russia cargo spacecraft , space station module
automated transfer vehicle (atv) – unmanned european cargo spacecraft
h-ii transfer vehicle (htv) – unmanned japanese cargo spacecraft
spacex dragon – unmanned private spacecraft
tianzhou 1 (spacecraft) – china s unmanned spacecraft

earth-orbit satellites

explorer 1 – first satellite
project score – first communications satellite
solar , heliospheric observatory (soho) - orbits sun near l1
sputnik 1 – world s first artificial satellite
sputnik 2 – first animal in orbit (laika)
korabl-sputnik 2 – first capsule recovered orbit (vostok precursor) – animals survived
syncom – first geosynchronous communications satellite
hubble space telescope – largest orbital observatory
x-37 – spaceplane

lunar probes

clementine – navy mission, orbited moon, detected hydrogen @ poles
kaguya jpn – lunar orbiter
luna 1 – first lunar flyby
luna 2 – first lunar impact
luna 3 – first images of lunar far side
luna 9 – first soft landing on moon
luna 10 – first lunar orbiter
luna 16 – first unmanned lunar sample retrieval
lunar orbiter – successful series of lunar mapping spacecraft
lunar prospector – confirmed detection of hydrogen @ lunar poles
lunar reconnaissance orbiter – identifies safe landing sites , locates moon resources
lunokhod - soviet lunar rovers
smart-1 esa – lunar impact
surveyor – usa s first soft lander
chang e 1 – china s chang e lunar mission
chang e 2 – china s chang e lunar mission
chang e 3 – china s chang e lunar mission
chang e 4 – china s chang e lunar mission
chang e 5 – china s chang e lunar mission
chang e 6 – china s chang e lunar mission
chandrayaan 1 – first indian lunar mission

artist s conception of cassini–huygens enters saturn s orbit

artist s conception of phoenix spacecraft lands on mars

planetary probes

akatsuki jpn – venus orbiter
cassini–huygens – first saturn orbiter , titan lander
curiosity rover – rover sent mars nasa in 2012
galileo – first jupiter orbiter , descent probe
ikaros jpn – first solar-sail spacecraft
mariner 4 – first mars flyby, first close , high resolution images of mars
mariner 9 – first mars orbiter
mariner 10 – first mercury flyby, first close images
mars exploration rover – mars rover
mars express – mars orbiter
mars global surveyor – mars orbiter
mars orbiter mission - india s first interplanetary probe.
mars reconnaissance orbiter – advanced climate, imaging, sub-surface radar, , telecommunications mars orbiter
messenger – first mercury orbiter (arrival 2011)
mars pathfinder – mars lander , rover
new horizons – first pluto flyby (arrival 2015)
pioneer 10 – first jupiter flyby, first close images
pioneer 11 – second jupiter flyby , first saturn flyby (first close images of saturn)
pioneer venus – first venus orbiter , landers
vega 1 – balloon release venus atmosphere , lander (joint mission vega 2), mothership continued on fly halley s comet
venera 4 – first soft landing on planet (venus)
viking 1 – first soft landing on mars
voyager 2 – jupiter flyby, saturn flyby, , first flybys/images of neptune , uranus

other – deep space

deep space 1
deep impact
near earth asteroid rendezvous
stereo – heliospheric , solar sensing; first images of entire sun

fastest spacecraft

helios , ii solar probes (252,792 km/h or 157,078 mph)

furthest spacecraft sun

pioneer 10 @ 114.07 au of january 2016, traveling outward @ 2.54/year
pioneer 11 @ 111.4 au of july 2015, traveling outward @ 2.4 au/year
voyager 1 @ 135.7 au of august 2016, traveling outward @ 3.6 au/year
voyager 2 @ 111.4 au of august 2016, traveling outward @ 3.3 au/year

^ jpl.nasa.gov. voyager - interstellar mission . archived original on 2017-09-20. 


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