Current editions Asymmetry Festival

1 current editions

1.1 asymmetry festival 2009
1.2 asymmetry festival 2010
1.3 asymmetry festival 2011
1.4 asymmetry festival 2012

current editions
asymmetry festival 2009

the first edition took place between april 17–26, 2009.

programme of festival:

april 17 - baroness, ufomammut, lento (klub firlej)
april 18 - 65daysofstatic, @ soundawn, tummo (firlej)
april 19 - amenra, storm of light, tephra, kingdom (firlej)
april 23 - venetian snares, otto von schirach (mekka) (urodziny klubu)
april 24 - dälek, mamiffer, destructo swarmbots, oddateee (firlej)
april 25 - house of low culture, lvmen, ema camelia, yull, drifted shadows (firlej)
april 26 - minsk, blindead, destroy you, tides nebula (firlej)

accompanying events:

february 8 - young widows, guantanamo party program (firlej)
march 3–21 - neuro music contest final (firlej): fifty foot woman, forge of clouds, ketha, proghma-c, sway, tides nebula, dorena (band)

asymmetry festival 2010

the second edition took place between april 29 – may 3, 2010.

programme of festival:

april 29 - mount fuji doomjazz corporation, zu, bong-ra, drumcorps (firlej)
april 30 - kylesa, secret chiefs 3, year of no light, altar of plagues, dark castle, fat32 (firlej)
may 1 - jesu, black shape of nexus, time burn (band), tesseract, kasan (firlej)
may 2 - esoteric, mouth of architect, necro deathmort, moja adrenalina (firlej)
may 3 - ez3kiel (wroclaw’s fountain @ pergola)

accompanying events:

december 12 - callisto, forge of clouds
april 9 - neuro music contest final (firlej): jarboe, nachtmystium, phobh, maszyny motyle, moanaa, moja adrenalina, palm desert, ketha

asymmetry festival 2011

the third edition took place between april 29 – may 3, 2011.

programme of festival:

april 29 - weedeater, zoroaster, oranssi pazuzu, bruce lamont, zoltar (firlej)
april 30 - electric wizard, julie christmas, secret, kokomo, dirk serries a.k.a. microphonics (firlej)
may 1 - godflesh, jucifer, orange man theory, oozing goo, final, elvis deluxe (firlej)
may 3 - aranis (saint maria magdalena church)

accompanying events:

april 2 - neuro music contest final: belzebong, elvis deluxe, phobh, sun miles, ultimate universe, zoltar (firlej)

asymmetry festival 2012

the fourth edition took place between may 3–5, 2012 in thoroughly new location – wroclaw-based bourgeois brewery.

programme of festival:

may 3 - sleep, black tusk, storm of light, red fang, vladimir bozar ‘n’ ze sheraf orkestär, amenra, coilguns, earthship
may 4 - Æthenor, ocean, obake, mombu, ddekombinacja, metazen, kunz, broken note, igorrr, niveau zero, nicolas chevreux, codeshift, veatxh
may 5 - killing joke, bohren & der club of gore, celeste, ascent of everest, whisper in noise, joe lally, infekcja, own private alaska, kiss me kojak, ass mouth, idols, guananamo party program, escape paris, drom, nod nod, thaw, panacea

asymmetry festival 4.0 before parties:

february 2 - astronautalis, bleubird, slam poetycki (puzzle)
february 17 - bong-ra, limewax, thrasher, rekombinacja, macbeat (log:in)
march 16 - peter kurten, brainpain, moptron, clicker (log:in)


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