Carlist Marcial Solana González-Camino

carlist standard

solana maintained correct relations carlists , in santanderine institutions went them well, though noted nuestra bandera es muy anterior y muy superior . upon 1931 declaration of republic co-led integrist fraction advocating integration carlism , presided on joint integrist-jaimist meeting in cantabria, finalized return vieja mansión of orthodox carlism. within united comunión tradicionalista did not land major posts, noted rather activity speaker across spain, giving erudite lectures traditionalism though rather seldom noted in press key speaker.

in mid-1930s solana became 1 of key carlist theorists, referred maestro del tradicionalismo . in 1934 claimant nominated him consejo de cultura, guardians of orthodoxy; scholars list him among cupola tradicionalista . in 1934 solana served legal expert king. in 3 letters addressed succession issue, responding alfonso carlos’ attempt sort out question of happens after death; solana’s opinion claimant not free appoint successor , assembly of representatives had participate in process, advice might have heavily contributed regentialist solution adopted. in terms of present-day politics solana among key advocates of close monarchist collaboration within acción española; study on right resistance, referred pre-configuration of 1936 coup, published in ae review.

it not clear whether solana aware of carlist preparations coup, though aware might among first targets of revolutionary violence; on estates maintained 2 secret hideouts. in unclear circumstances in late august 1936 crossed french frontier returned , spent 1937 in valle de baztan, following nationalist seizure of cantabria returning rosequillo estate. not listed active member of carlist executive, yet known sided fal against unification decree. scholars suspect instrumental in drafting 1939 memorandum franco, demanded restoration of traditionalist monarchy; in 1940s fined engaged in technically illegal comunión structures.

solana hardly mentioned busy in day-to-day party activity in 1940s, though scholars claim theorist absolutely vital maintaining carlist spiritual identity opposed francoist amalgamation, including drafting memorandum, dated 1945. might have attended meetings of junta nacional , surely attended 1947 gathering of regional jefes, first 1 after 1937. in 1951 managed publish el tradicionalismo político español y la ciencia hispana, study completed in 1938; until today considered 1 of in-depth lectures of traditionalism , perhaps important solana’s contribution both traditionalism , carlism. marked climax of engagement: in 1950s solana abandoned militancy , focused on scientific , catholic duties.


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