2011 Anti-nuclear power movement in Japan

anti nuclear rally in tokyo on sunday 27 march 2011.

buddhist monks of nipponzan-myōhōji protest against nuclear power near diet of japan in tokyo on april 5, 2011.

peaceful anti-nuclear protest in tokyo, japan, escorted policemen, 16 april 2011.

anti-nuclear power plant rally on 19 september 2011 @ meiji shrine outer garden

several large protests occurred on april 10, 2011, month following 3.11: 15,000 people marched in sound demonstration organized shirōto no ran (revolt of laymen), used-goods shop in kōenji, tokyo, while thousands marched in shiba park, tokyo , other locations. 1 protester, yohei nakamura, said nuclear power serious problem , anti-nuclear demonstrations undercovered in japanese press because of influence of tepco.

three months after fukushima nuclear disaster, thousands of anti-nuclear protesters marched in japan. company workers, students, , parents children rallied across japan, venting anger @ government s handling of crisis, carrying flags bearing words no nukes! , no more fukushima .

in august 2011, 2,500 people including farmers , fishermen marched in tokyo. have incurred heavy losses following fukushima nuclear disaster, , called prompt compensation plant operator tepco , government.

in september 2011, anti-nuclear protesters, marching beat of drums, took streets of tokyo , other cities mark 6 months since march earthquake , tsunami , vent anger @ government s handling of nuclear crisis set off meltdowns @ fukushima power plant . protesters called complete shutdown of japanese nuclear power plants , demanded shift in government policy toward renewable energy sources. among protestors 4 young men started 10-day hunger strike in effort bring change in japan s nuclear policy.

sixty thousand people marched in central tokyo on 19 september 2011, chanting sayonara nuclear power , waving banners, call on japan s government abandon nuclear power, following fukushima nuclear disaster. author kenzaburō Ōe , musician ryuichi sakamoto among event s supporters. these largest set of demonstrations in japan since us-japan security treaty protests of 1960s , 1970s.

female protest leaders helped maintain momentum of september 19 protest in tokyo. hundreds of women, many of them fukushima, organized sit-in protest @ ministry of economy, trade , industry october 30-november 5. women’s groups have been particularly scathing , effective in condemning government’s casualization of radiation exposure – increase of permissible exposure rate 1 20 msv, inadequate attention hotspots outside of official evacuation areas, calculation of external radiation while ignoring internal radiation, , spotty food supply oversight .

more 1,000 people formed candle-lit human chain around ministry of economy, trade, , industry on evening november 11, 2011, eight-month anniversary of fukushima crisis. on november 18 @ site of nuclear power plant on southern island of kyushu, 15,000 people demonstrated call on government abandon of nation s reactors. people have been protesting in other parts of country.


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