The Western Front: Military Cross Siegfried Sassoon

portrait of sassoon glyn warren philpot, 1917 (fitzwilliam museum)

motivated patriotism, sassoon joined british army threat of new european war recognized, , in service sussex yeomanry on 4 august 1914, day united kingdom of great britain , ireland declared war on germany. broke arm badly in riding accident , put out of action before leaving england, spending spring of 1915 convalescing. (rupert brooke, whom sassoon had briefly met, died in april on way gallipoli.) commissioned 3rd battalion (special reserve), royal welch fusiliers, second lieutenant on 29 may 1915. on 1 november younger brother hamo killed in gallipoli campaign, , in same month siegfried sent 1st battalion in france. there met robert graves, , became close friends. united poetic vocation, read , discussed each other s work. though did not have perceptible influence on graves s poetry, views on may called gritty realism profoundly affected sassoon s concept of constituted poetry. became horrified realities of war, , tone of writing changed completely: poems exhibit romantic, dilettantish sweetness, war poetry moves increasingly discordant music, intended convey ugly truths of trenches audience hitherto lulled patriotic propaganda. details such rotting corpses, mangled limbs, filth, cowardice , suicide trademarks of work @ time, , philosophy of no truth unfitting had significant effect on movement towards modernist poetry.

sassoon s periods of duty on western front marked exceptionally brave actions, including single-handed capture of german trench in hindenburg line. armed grenades, scattered sixty german soldiers:

he went on bombs in daylight, under covering fire couple of rifles, , scared away occupants. pointless feat, since instead of signalling reinforcements, sat down in german trench , began reading book of poems had brought him. when went did not report. colonel stockwell, in command, raged @ him. attack on mametz wood had been delayed 2 hours because british patrols still reported out. british patrols siegfried , book of poems. d have got d.s.o., if d shown more sense, stormed stockwell.

sassoon s bravery inspiring extent soldiers of company said felt confident when accompanied him. went out on night-raids , bombing patrols , demonstrated ruthless efficiency company commander. deepening depression @ horror , misery soldiers forced endure produced in sassoon paradoxically manic courage, , nicknamed mad jack men near-suicidal exploits. on 27 july 1916 awarded military cross; citation read:

2nd lt. siegfried lorraine [sic] sassoon, 3rd (attd. 1st) bn., r. w. fus.

for conspicuous gallantry during raid on enemy s trenches. remained 1½ hours under rifle , bomb fire collecting , bringing in our wounded. owing courage , determination killed , wounded brought in.

robert graves described sassoon engaging in suicidal feats of bravery. sassoon later recommended victoria cross.


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