Technologies for demand reduction Demand response

technologies available, , more under development, automate process of demand response. such technologies detect need load shedding, communicate demand participating users, automate load shedding, , verify compliance demand-response programs. gridwise , energyweb 2 major federal initiatives in united states develop these technologies. universities , private industry doing research , development in arena. scalable , comprehensive software solutions dr enable business , industry growth.

some utilities considering , testing automated systems connected industrial, commercial , residential users can reduce consumption @ times of peak demand, delaying draw marginally. although amount of demand delayed may small, implications grid (including financial) may substantial, since system stability planning involves building capacity extreme peak demand events, plus margin of safety in reserve. such events may occur few times per year.

the process may involve turning down or off appliances or sinks (and, when demand unexpectedly low, potentially increasing usage). example, heating may turned down or air conditioning or refrigeration may turned (turning higher temperature uses less electricity), delaying draw until peak in usage has passed. in city of toronto, residential users can participate in program (peaksaver ac) whereby system operator can automatically control hot water heaters or air conditioning during peak demand; grid benefits delaying peak demand (allowing peaking plants time cycle or avoiding peak events), , participant benefits delaying consumption until after peak demand periods, when pricing should lower. although experimental program, @ scale these solutions have potential reduce peak demand considerably. success of such programs depends on development of appropriate technology, suitable pricing system electricity, , cost of underlying technology. bonneville power experimented direct-control technologies in washington , oregon residences, , found avoided transmission investment justify cost of technology.

other methods implementing demand response approach issue of subtly reducing duty cycles rather implementing thermostat setbacks. these can implemented using customized building automation systems programming, or through swarm-logic methods coordinating multiple loads in facility (e.g. encycle s envirogrid controllers).

it announced electric refrigerators sold in uk sensing dynamic demand delay or advance cooling cycle based on monitoring grid frequency.


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