Official list of neighborhoods Neighborhoods of Portland, Oregon
1 official list of neighborhoods
1.1 neighbors west-northwest (nwnw)
1.2 southwest neighborhoods, inc. (swni)
1.3 north portland neighborhood services (npns)
1.4 northeast coalition of neighborhoods (necn)
1.5 central northeast neighbors, inc. (cnn)
1.6 east portland neighborhood office (epno)
1.7 southeast uplift neighborhood program (se uplift)
1.8 unaffiliated coalition
official list of neighborhoods
each neighborhood association defines own boundaries, may include areas outside of portland city limits , (if mutually agreed) areas overlap other neighborhoods. neighborhoods may span boundaries between 5 sections (n, ne, se, sw, , nw) of city well. segmentation adopted here based on oni s district coalition model, under each neighborhood part of @ 1 coalition (though neighborhoods not included in any).
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