Joint Moment Patterns Lower-limb walking pattern

1 joint moment patterns

1.1 hip
1.2 knee
1.3 ankle (talocrural)

joint moment patterns

the ground reaction force creates external moments on joints of lower-limb. activation of muscles , other passive connective tissues (e.g., ligaments, tendons) create known internal moments control joint motions. when joint motion occurs in direction of muscle’s action concentrically acting. if joint motion occurs in opposite direction of muscle’s action muscle eccentrically acting. therefore, magnitude of internal moment reasonably matches described muscular activations.


at heel strike vertical ground reaction force located anterior axis of rotation of hip joint , generates external hip flexion moment. counteract external flexion moment, internal hip extension moment generated. extension moment continues through first half of stance keep knee collapsing , decelerate trunk rotating forward. during last half of stance body glides on fixed stance foot , vertical ground reaction force moves posterior axis of rotation of hip joint. creates external hip extension moment, must resisted internal hip flexion moment. flexion moment decelerates extension motion occurring @ thigh , pulls hip flexion swing phase.


at heel strike vertical ground reaction force located anterior axis of rotation of knee joint. momentarily, creates external knee extension moment during first percent of stance. counteract moment, internal knee flexion moment generated assist stabilizing knee joint prepares weight acceptance. once foot flat vertical ground reaction force moves posterior knee joint trunk glides on stance foot, resulting in external knee flexion moment. counteracted internal knee extension moment continues through rest of stance. knee extension moment assists weight acceptance , deceleration of forward motion of center of mass.

ankle (talocrural)

at heel strike vertical ground reaction force located posterior axis of rotation of ankle joint. external plantar flexion moment created must resisted internal dorsiflexion moment. once foot flat , trunk glides forward on stance foot, internal plantar flexion moment generated decelerate forward motion of body’s center of mass. mid-stance toe off, however, moment continues function of plantar flexors switches on accelerating knee extension , propelling center of mass forward.


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