Improving memory Childhood memory

1 improving memory

1.1 long term memory
1.2 short term memory
1.3 verbal memory
1.4 working memory

improving memory

techniques have been developed improve memory directing attention internal , external experiences occur in present. has been used in health care industry individuals overcome anxiety , other problems interfere memory retrieval in adults. success in area has led researchers propose mindfulness tool working children. relaxation way reduce flow of stressful or uncontrolled thoughts. children may show decreased symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder , aggressive behaviour along improved memory in classrooms , in sports settings. caution required because children may uncomfortable meditation. smaller class sizes might means of improving memory reducing stress.

long term memory

jean piaget

operative training task improve long term memory

the renowned developmental psychologist piaget thought memory , intelligence linked. in piaget s theory of cognitive development, operative intelligence conceptual framework of child s understanding of world, , framework changes child learns. piaget , inhelder (1973) proposed link between operative intelligence , memory, child s ability accurately recall event or image corresponds child s operative level. previous studies showed little improvement in operative development training. however, 1 study points inadequacies in older test designs. study designed using operative concept of “verticality”, referring child s ability accurately represent true vertical lines, such drawing chimney perpendicular slanted roof or perpendicular ground. verticality test of child s ability comprehend , represent three-dimensional environment. children presented array or pattern formed sticks. children reproduced pattern more accurately after longer intervening interval (6 months) after shorter interval (1 week). has led research see if training such operative skills can improve long-term memory.

the results liben et al. inconclusive due test design. initial presentation of stimulus improved recall performance months later, possibly because presenting stick array led children pay more attention vertical lines in environment after leaving testing room. however, memory gains might have occurred during various phases of testing, not within long-term retention interval itself. in addition, memory improvement might not generalize children not in operative concept development transition stages. nonetheless, these memory gains unexpected, , might lend credence idea operative development can facilitated presenting stimulus child can generalize or environment.

short term memory

context-dependent memory cues improve learning

children reading @ desks in classroom @ robert emmet school in 1911. school located @ 5500 west madison street in austin community area of chicago, illinois

emotion , memory linked. influence of learning environment relates both encoding specificity principle , attention given test material. arguably, more relaxed school environment improve memory , performance on tests. hypothesized easterbrook (1959), emotionality can negatively affect attention towards retrieval cues. relaxation can induced music , odors, cue involuntary memory on both free recall , recognition tasks. experiment h.j. cassaday used lemon , lavender odors induce calm learning environment later reinstated retrieval tasks. well, tests have shown 2 retrieval cues seem more effective 1 test conducted cassaday focused on environmental conditions deemed relaxing such smaller rooms , lavender scent. chosen additional element of familiarity (classical music associated school assembly). study used more 1 cue because memory multi-modal , context-dependent. mood modality. children can benefit consistent learning environments support less anxious states encoding , retrieval of test material. noted relaxed encoding conditions followed relaxed retrieval conditions improved performance compared neutral conditions. suggests neutral conditions offer impoverished context cues memory , retrieval.

verbal memory

music shown improve verbal memory

music training known improve mental performance , memory in domains in both children , adults. has been publicized music training can improve mental performance , memory , can seen in children adults. effects have been documented in study compared effects of music on verbal visual memory. results show no improvement visual memory measurable improvement verbal memory. discontinued study outperformed control group on verbal memory tests. found 1 year of musical training improved verbal memory. training on instrument results in stronger development of left temporal lobe, linked verbal processing. type of usage-based neuroplasticity guides development of synapses , brain structures in children.

working memory

exercise improves working memory

a study of school children in germany has shown moderate exercise can improve working memory. has benefit children have demonstrated prior learning problems. 1 neuroimaging study showed relationship between fitness, hippocampal volume, , types of memory tasks. children higher levels of fitness have larger hippocampi , perform better on relational memory task. study found exercise improves working memory in low-performing adolescents. according baddeley s model of working memory, working memory involves integrating multiple sources of information concurrently guide behaviour. procedural memory requires involvement of central executive in following verbal instruction while staying visually aware of environment, ignoring distraction. in 1 study, participation in sports found improve working memory through co-activation of motor , cognitive systems, cerebellum , dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. improved motor skills correlate increased activity in cerebellum, enhancing memory , enhancing cognition.

memory training activities followed reinforcement tasks

view of brain showing hippocampus , amygdala.

a study on reading activities has examined 2 conflicting hypotheses on benefits of reading in either context not offer repetition or discussion, or discussion-based, family-oriented, repetition-of-facts context. commonly thought educators reading frequency on own essential learning. however, without verbal or subverbal repetition, areas of brain not activated remembering. these areas include hippocampus and, possibly larger extent, amygdala. amygdala, basolateral amygdala, has primary link emotion , thought play role in memory consolidation through emotionally stimulating reading of material facilitated repetition. in addition, ca3 area of hippocampus replays story events through repetition, promotes long-term memory. discussion , review of storylines can categorized form of environmental enrichment aides in survival of granule cells , glial cells hippocampus develops. finally, use of pictures elaboration technique enhances mental visual representations type of priming later memory retrieval. tests have shown improved memory in enriched storytelling environments.


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