Early life Wojciech Korfanty

a plaque dedicated university of wrocław celebrate 130th anniversary of korfanty s birth in 2003. text reads: student of philosophy, law, , economics @ wrocław university; journalist, defender of polishness, leader of silesian uprisings; member of parliament , senator of polish republic.

in 1901, korfanty became editor-in-chief of polish language paper górnoslązak (the upper silesian), in appealed national consciousness of region s polish-speaking population.

in 1903, korfanty elected german reichstag , in 1904 prussian landtag, represented independent polish circle (polskie koło). significant departure tradition, polish minority in germany had far predominantly supported conservative centre party , represented large catholic community in germany, felt inferior in protestant-dominated reich. however, when centre party refused advocate polish minority rights (beyond poles rights catholics), poles distanced it, seeking protection elsewhere. in paper entitled precz z centrum ( away centre party , 1901), korfanty urged catholic polish-speaking minority in germany overcome national indifference , shift political allegiance supra-national catholicism cause of polish nation. however, korfanty retained christian democratic convictions , later returned them in domestic polish politics.


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