Creation Maggie Simpson

maggie in first appearance in ullman short night .

matt groening first conceived maggie , rest of simpson family in 1986 in lobby of james l. brooks s office. groening had been called in pitch series of animated shorts tracey ullman show, , had intended present adaptation of life in hell comic strip. when realized animating life in hell require him rescind publication rights life s work, groening decided go in direction, , hurriedly sketched out version of dysfunctional family , named characters after members of own family. baby of family named maggie after groening s youngest sister. maggie made debut rest of simpsons family on april 19, 1987 in short night . in 1989, shorts adapted simpsons, half-hour series air on fox broadcasting company. maggie , rest of family remained main characters on new show.

the entire simpson family designed recognizable in silhouette. family crudely drawn, because groening had submitted basic sketches animators, assuming clean them up; instead, traced on drawings. maggie s physical features not used in other characters; example, in later seasons, no character other lisa shares hairline. while designing maggie , lisa, groening couldn t bothered think girls hair styles . @ time, groening drawing in black , white , when designing lisa , maggie, gave them kind of spiky starfish hair style, not thinking drawn in color .

groening thought funny have baby character did not talk , never grew up, scripted show emotions scene required. maggie s comedic hallmarks include tendency stumble , land on face while attempting walk, , penchant sucking on pacifier, sound of has become equivalent of catchphrase , created groening during tracey ullman period. in seasons of show, maggie suck pacifier on other characters dialogue, discontinued because producers found distracting.


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