Adoption Video CD

1 adoption

1.1 in north america
1.2 in asia
1.3 worldwide trends

in north america

video cds unable gain acceptance mainstream format in north america, chiefly because established vhs format less expensive, offered comparable video quality, , recorded over. advent of recordable cds, inexpensive recorders, , compatible dvd players spurred vcd acceptance in in late 1990s , 2000s. however, dvd burners , dvd-video recorders available time, , equipment , media costs making dvd-video fell rapidly. dvd-video, longer run time , higher quality, overshadowed vcd in areas afford it. in addition many dvd players not read recordable (cd-r) media, , limited compatibility of home-made vcds. every modern stand-alone dvd-video player can play vcds burned on recordable media.

in asia

as of 2014, vcds , dvds norm home media in philippines. blu-ray discs available displayed @ small separate shelves @ counter.

the vcd format popular throughout asia (except japan , south korea) in late 1990s through 2000s, 8 million vcd players sold in china in 1997 alone, , more half of chinese households owning @ least 1 vcd player 2005. however, popularity has declined on years, number of hong kong factories produced vcds dropped 98 in 1999 26 in 2012.

this popularity is, in part, because households did not own vhs players when vcds introduced, low price of players, tolerance of high humidity (a notable problem vcrs), easy storage , maintenance, , lower-cost media. western sources have cited unauthorized content principal incentive vcd player ownership.

vcds produced , sold in asian countries , regions, such mainland china, taiwan, hong kong, singapore, malaysia, thailand, brunei darussalam myanmar, indonesia, philippines, vietnam, india, pakistan , bangladesh. in many asian countries, major hollywood studios (and asian home video distributors) have licensed companies officially produce , distribute vcds, such mca home video in pakistan, intercontinental video ltd. of hong kong, sunny video in malaysia, vision in indonesia, cvd international , pacific marketing , entertainment group in thailand, excel home video in india, berjaya-hvn , innoform media in both malaysia , singapore, scorpio east entertainment in singapore, viva video, magnavision home video, , c-interactive digital entertainment in philippines. legal video cds can found in established video stores , major book outlets in asian countries. typically packaged in jewel cases commercial cds, though higher-profile films may released in keep cases. consumer should check vcd or dvd logo avoid purchasing wrong format.

in asia, use of vcds carriers karaoke music common. 1 channel feature mono track music , singing, channel pure instrumental version karaoke singing. prior this, karaoke music carried on laserdiscs.

worldwide trends

vcd s growth has slowed in areas can afford dvd-video, offers of same advantages, better picture quality

(higher resolution fewer digital compression artifacts) due larger storage capacity. however, vcd has simultaneously seen significant new growth in emerging economies india, indonesia, south america , africa low-cost alternative dvd. of 2004, worldwide popularity of vcd increasing.


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