History Centre for Child Protection

1 history

1.1 origins of response
1.2 beginnings of ccp
1.3 ccp in rome

origins of response

it clear different reports violence against children substantial , serious global problem. occurs in every country in world in variety of forms , settings , rooted in cultural, economic, , social practices. in recent decades, large number of cases of clerical abuse of minors have been made known in united states, ireland, australia, , other parts of world. have received significant media , public attention. church feels responsible members’ dehumanising acts, , pope benedict xvi initiated serious process deal problem. recently, pope francis issued unusual public apology scandals have afflicted church. in light of these unfortunate events, there has been renewed attempt on part of church matter due attention , take corrective steps. since election, pope francis has taken firm stand offer new hope victims, call action concerning sexual abuse in church. catholic church has established 2 institutions support church in actions against sexual abuse, namely pontifical commission protection of minors (2014) , centre child protection in rome (2015). pontifical commission protection of minors has role of assisting , advising pope in matters of justice abuse victims, survivors of sexual abuse, , matters regarding safeguarding. strives pull best practices , policies different parts of world , provide guidelines. aims achieve 2 major objectives, namely connecting people worldwide , raising consciousness amongst of society.

beginnings of ccp

the idea foundation of ccp came in 2011, when fr hans zollner sj (dean of institute of psychology of pontifical gregorian university) , prof. jörg m. fegert (director of department of child , adolescent psychiatry , psychotherapy of state university clinic of ulm) met during working group meeting german federal government s round table on child sexual abuse (initiated in response 2010 media storm spotlighting clerical sexual abuse in germany). @ same time, archdiocese of munich , freising learned idea , pledged support it. outset, project understood long-term response of ongoing education in safeguarding of minors. decided have three-year pilot phase (january 2012 - december 2014) based in munich steering committee consisting of fr hans zollner sj, prof. jörg m. fegert, , msgr klaus peter franzl archdiocese of munich , freising. centre launched work symposium towards healing , renewal organized 6 9 february 2012 @ gregorian university in rome. during pilot phase, 2 major conferences organized raise awareness work of ccp in safeguarding, study situation, , present state of question in catholic church. first conference took place in freising, 30 october 1 november 2012, entitled communication , empowerment: victims of child sexual abuse . second conference (7-8 november 2013) held in munich on topic learning past: implications future .

the primary project of ccp during phase development of multilingual online education programme on prevention of child sexual abuse pastoral professions in connection eleven partners in ten countries. in 2014 decided move headquarters of centre rome. closing event held in munich on 26 november 2014.

the ccp in rome

in january 2015 ccp moved rome, expanded network, , took on new educational projects , research activities. on 16 february 2015 ccp officially launched in rome. cardinal gehard ludwig müller , other representatives of holy see attended, , cardinal seán patrick o malley read out letter of , encouragement pope francis.


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