2012 Parliamentary Election results Party of Regions
results in 2012 elections
in august 2011 strong ukraine , people s party announced both parties aimed merge party of regions. merger between people s party , party of regions did not materialise. strong ukraine , party of regions merged on 17 march 2012. (former) strong ukraine leader serhiy tyhypko unanimously elected party of regions deputy chairman , member of party of regions political council same day. party of regions parliamentarian olena bondarenko had stated (early march 2012) party of regions, strong ukraine party , party planned hold unity congress on 17 march 2012. no additional third party merged party of regions on 17 march 2012; according ukrainian media tyhypko had prevented merger of united centre party of regions in march 2012.
in october 2011 cooperation agreement signed in astana between kazakhstani nur otan , party of regions.
in late 2011, party s popularity dropped in opinion polls below 20%, because party losing votes communist party of ukraine.
in april 2012, top pr consultancy burson-marsteller hired represent interests of party of regions, them communicate activities governing party of ukraine, explain better position on yulia tymoshenko case , explained robert mack, senior manager @ burson-marsteller.
in october 2012 parliamentary elections party won 72 seats , 30% of votes under party-list proportional representation (falling 34% in 2007 , 32% in 2006) , 115 winning 115 simple-majority constituencies (it had competed in 204 of 225 constituencies); sum gave them total of 187 seats , 41,56% of 450 seats in ukrainian parliament. party had lost 2 million voters compared previous election. on 12 december 2012 party formed parliamentary faction of 210 deputies. on 31 december 2013 faction 204 votes strong.
at least 18 party of regions deputies have criminal ties, according hennadiy moskal, deputy head of parliament s committee on organized crime , corruption.
in june 2013, 148 people s deputies of ukraine signed letter polish sejm asking recognize volhynian tragedy genocide (uk:Звернення депутатів від Партії регіонів і КПУ до польського Сейму). total of 119 of parliamentarians members of party of regions, while other 23 communist party of ukraine.
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