Part one: Howard Carter Egypt (TV series)

1 part one: howard carter

1.1 episode one: search tutankhamun
1.2 episode two: curse of tutankhamun
1.3 cast

part one: howard carter

the story of discovery of tomb of tutankhamun howard carter , popular belief in curse of pharaohs, supposed result of carter s disturbing tutankhamen s resting place. episodes include short dramatizations of life of tutankhamun.

episode one: search tutankhamun

tutankhamun vanished history in 1324 bc following hurried burial , erasure of name monuments. in winter of 1898 carter @ temples of deir el bahri recording wall reliefs threatened freak storm when thrown horse , makes discovery in sand. retired boston lawyer theodore m. davis funds carter s excavation of queen hatshepsut s tomb found empty , carter deprived of further funding reduced selling paintings tourists on street.

in 1905 lord carnarvon arrives in luxor convalesce after road accident , shown artifact bearing cartouche of mysterious tutankhamun discovered davis on new dig. tutankhamun succeeded heretical father pharaoh @ age of 8 , named in honour of amun symbolise mission restore old gods , save empire turmoil. inspired carnarvon employs carter denied access valley of kings davis has permit. amidst flurry of construction marked beginning of tutankhamun s reign important boy pharaoh have been of tomb. ailing davis announces discovery of this, final pharaoh s tomb, prior retirement. carter doubts find , convinces carnarvon take concession. methodical , meticulous excavation commences in 1914 interrupted world war i.

the carnarvons return egypt @ end of war , carter recommences excavation continued lack of results leading doubts undiscovered tombs left in valley funding cut in 1922. tutankhamun s tomb concealed ensure undisturbed afterlife. carter convinces carnarvon fund 1 last season during tomb unearthed. when tomb opened in presence of carnarvon , daughter revealed unplundered pharaoh s tomb in valley.

episode two: curse of tutankhamun

in 1922 carter goes egyptian antiquities service in cairo announce discovery disagrees director pierre lacau on clearance , cataloguing of contents. discovery revealed dark time in history of egypt , death of boy king. carter assembles international team of experts commence work under unwelcome scrutiny of lacau s inspector , western press. canarvon s cavalier attitude finds considers property starts infuriate both carter , lacau.

as finds catalogued , removed carter becomes close canarvon s daughter evelyn strictness begins alienate team. tutankhamun married own sister union failed produce heir secure future of kingdom. stories of curse begin circulate carter breaks through burial chamber reveal intact tomb. lacau threatens take on excavation , several of experts quit canarvon questions carter on leadership , relationship evelyn. when came of age tutankhamun took on control of kingdom military advisor ay die unknown causes shortly thereafter. carter rushes canarvon s death-bed 2 make-up. upon tutankhamun s death ay seized throne , married widowed queen. carter, disappointed evelyn s engagement man, returns continue work. tutankhuman s death came before royal tomb completed hastily buried in tomb ay had prepared himself. lacau takes on running of tomb in 1924 when carter , team stop work protest continued egyptian interference.

the following year carter called lacau reopen tomb funding lady canarvon. team start extract nested coffins revealing 1 of them made of pure gold confirms presence of pharaoh. team begin notice evidence burial done in hurry body uncovered. when ay died without heir new dynasty took throne erased references boy king. in 1932 work complete carter leaves tomb last time , hands key lacau.


stuart graham howard carter
julian wadham lord carnarvon
caroline langrishe lady carnarvon
alex weaver evelyn carnarvon
valentine pelka pierre lacau
william hope theodore m. davis
laurence fox leonard

^ howard carter , curse of tutankhamun . bbc press office. 17 october 2005. retrieved 1 july 2008. 
^ howard carter - episode synopses . bbc press office. 17 october 2005. retrieved 1 july 2008. 


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