Operational activity Florent-Jean de Vallière

surrender @ saratoga shows general daniel morgan in front of de vallière 4-pounder.

us army personnel de vallière 4-pounder in 60s (the carriage anachronistic: belongs 20-pounder parrott rifle).

the de valliere guns proved rather in siege warfare, less satisfactory in war of movement. visible during war of austrian succession (1747–1748), , during 7 years war (1756–1763) mobility key factor , lighter guns in need. lack of howitzers issue.

numerous de valliere guns used in american war of independence, smaller field guns. guns shipped france, , field carriages provided in us. these guns played important role in such battles battle of saratoga, , siege of yorktown. george washington wrote guns in letter general heath on 2 may 1777:

morning favored yours containing pleasing accounts of late arrivals @ portsmouth , boston. of french ships of war, artillery , other military stores, valuable. intent have arms not wanted eastern states, removed springfield, safer place portsmouth …. shall write congress , press immediate removal of artillery, , other military stores portsmouth. have forward twenty-five chests of arms lately arrived martinico springfield.


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