History Technical University of Munich

1 history

1.1 agricultural state industrial state
1.2 foundation of polytechnische schule münchen
1.3 broadening spectrum of subjects
1.4 research reactor munich (frm) third location
1.5 100th anniversary
1.6 twelve faculties @ 3 locations
1.7 entrepreneurial university


main campus entrance @ gabelsbergerstraße, munich


1868 university founded king ludwig ii.
1877 awarded designation königlich bayerische technische hochschule münchen.
1901 granted right award doctorates.
1902 approval of election of principal teaching staff.
1930 integration of college of agriculture , brewing in weihenstephan.
1949–1954: reconstruction of main building of technische universität robert vorhoelzer after wwii. construction of new administrational building , library.
1957 given status of ‘public legal body’.
1958 research reactor munich (frm), garching officially assigned th münchen.
1967 establishment of faculty of medicine
1970 renamed ‘technische universität münchen’.
1993 establishment of faculty of informatics
2000 establishment of weihenstephan science centre life & food sciences, land use , environment (wzw) belonging tum.
2002 german institute of science , technology founded in singapore.
2004 official opening of forschungsreaktor münchen ii, leading neutron source, on march 2.
2005 tum institute advanced study founded
2006 tum 1 of 3 successful universities in germany s excellence initiative
2009 tum school of education established
2012 tum again 1 of 11 successful universities in germany s excellence initiative

from agricultural state industrial state

lithograph of 1900 (colour map)

in capacity academic stronghold of technology , science, technical university of munich has played vital role in bavaria s transition agricultural state industrial state , hi-tech centre. present day, still state university dedicated technology. numerous excellent tum professors have secured place in history of technology, many important scientists, architects, engineers , entrepreneurs studied there. such names karl max von bauernfeind, rudolf diesel, claude dornier, walther von dyck, hans fischer (nobel prize chemistry 1930), ernst otto fischer (nobel prize chemistry 1973), august föppl, robert huber (nobel prize chemistry 1988), carl von linde, heinz maier-leibnitz, walther meissner, rudolf mössbauer (1961 nobel prize physics), willy messerschmitt (aircraft designer), wilhelm nusselt, hans piloty, friedrich von thiersch, franz von soxhlet closely connected tum.

the prerequisites academic training in engineering created @ start of 19th century when advancement of technology on basis of exact sciences commenced. there calls university technical studies in bavaria. polytechnic schools set in augsburg, munich , nuremberg, bridged gap between middle schools , higher education colleges in capacity lyceums (or high schools), first approach. further qualification purposes, technical college set in 1833 part of faculty of state finance (staatswirtschaftlichen fakultät) of ludwig maximilian university, had been transferred landshut munich 7 years previously. experiment failed. instead, advanced engineering course established @ polytechnic school munich in 1840, forerunner of later become technische hochschule münchen .

foundation of polytechnische schule münchen

the old technical university of munich building.

in 1868, king ludwig ii founded newly structured polytechnische schule münchen, had status of university, in munich. allowed call königlich bayerische technische hochschule münchen academic year 1877–78. first principal former head of engineering course, karl max von bauernfeind. in year of foundation, college took residence in new building in arcisstrasse, designed gottfried v. neureuther. in days, more 350 students taught 24 professors , 21 lecturers. college divided 5 sections: i. general department (mathematics, natural science, humanities, law , economics), ii. engineering department (structural engineering , surveying), iii. department of architecture, iv. mechanical/technical department, v. chemical/technical department. department vi. (agriculture) added in 1872.

two of university s long-standing requests met state after beginning of 20th century: granted right award doctorates in 1901, , in 1902 election of principal teaching staff approved. average of 2,600 2,800 students, th münchen ranked ahead of th berlin largest german technical college while. first female undergraduate matriculated in architecture in 1905, after bavarian government officially allowed women study @ technical college in german reich. however, proportion of female students remained negligible; women accounted 0.6 per cent of student body in winter semester of 1913–14.

during weimar republic, th münchen obliged make low funds , drawn radical political struggles in 1918–19 , again between 1928 , 1933. in winter term of 1930–31, national socialist german student union (nsdstb) became strongest group within asta general student organisation of thm first time.

broadening spectrum of subjects

the th münchen able broaden spectrum of subjects taking on several smaller colleges no longer viable. in 1922, former commercial college handelshochschule münchen became vii department of economics. former college of agriculture , brewing in weihenstephan integrated in 1930. agricultural unit absorbed department of agriculture – located in munich until 1947 before transferring weihenstephan, while brewing section became department viii brewing technology belonging th münchen yet located in weihenstephan. tradition of weihenstephan campus dates agricultural school founded in 1804, elevated status of academy in 1895 , university in 1920.

the 8 departments of th münchen reorganised 6 faculties in 1934. reduced 5 (general sciences, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, agriculture, brewing) in 1940.

during third reich, leadership principle imposed on th münchen. autonomy suffered considerable restrictions affected such matters appointment procedure (for lecturers), etc. based on newly introduced law restoration of professional civil service , lecturers of non-aryan descent or married non-aryans removed state, likewise politically undesirable professors. national socialist german students league (nsdstb) , like-minded german student union (deutsche studentenschaft) endeavoured organise , influence undergraduates radical national socialist doctrine.

similar organisations in place on lecturers level. jewish students no longer enjoyed same rights , barred matriculation 1938 onwards. th münchen required contribute towards second world war effort large-scale armament research. however, top-level basic research still conducted in numerous institutes. attitude of university professors characterised opportunistic conformance on 1 hand, , critical distancing , inner emigration on other. number of individual professors, employees, workers , students dared demonstrate disobedience , obstruction.

it under hardest possible conditions teaching activities recommenced in april 1946. 80% of buildings on main campus had been bombed. many years, undergraduates actively supported rebuilding of university providing hands-on (voluntary) restoration service. department of economics had surrendered ludwig maximilian university in 1946.

research reactor munich (frm) third location

with internationally acclaimed installation of research reactor munich (frm) in garching in 1956/57, th münchen gained third location. physics department building opened there in 1969, followed new building housing departments of chemistry, biology , geoscience in 1977.

in december 1957, university granted long-standing request acquire status of public legal body . in following year, first constitution drawn university came force. 1960s onwards, university had cope enormous influx of students. when first economising measures introduced state in mid-seventies, conditions students began deteriorate.

a faculty medicine spanning 2 sites: munich-haidhausen (clinic right of isar ) , munich-schwabing (biederstein, children s clinic @ schwabing hospital) founded in 1967.

100th anniversary

the university s 100th anniversary fell in hot may of 1968. critical tendencies in evidence @ th münchen, particularly in departments of architecture, geography, medicine , social sciences. in 100th year since foundation, th münchen comprised 6 faculties, 168 chairs , institutes, 8,400 undergraduates , somewhere in region of 5,700 university staff, employed in teaching, research, running operations , administration. in 1972, sports centre central sports ground covering area of 45 hectares, had been used olympic games set in grounds of olympic stadion.

the new designation of technische universität münchen conferred in august 1970. introduction of bavarian higher education law in 1974, 6 faculties replaced eleven smaller departments, resumed designation of faculties: 1. mathematics , informatics, 2. physics, 3. chemistry, biology , geoscience, 4. economics , social sciences, 5. structural engineering , surveying, 6. architecture, 7. mechanical engineering, 8. electrical engineering , information technology, 9. agriculture , horticulture, 10. brewing, food technology , dairy science, 11. medicine. in addition, several interdisciplinary central institutes established, regional planning , environmental research, sports sciences. regulated student organisation abolished in bavaria , replaced structures of student involvement within context of newly introduced group representation concept.

twelve faculties @ 3 locations

technical university of munich @ garching, department of mechanical engineering

in 1992, twelfth faculty informatics created splitting former faculty of mathematics , informatics two. ten years later faculty of sports science , faculty of economics set up. latter incorporated former faculty of economics , social science. mechanical engineering faculty , faculties of mathematics , informatics moved main munich campus spacious, well-equipped new buildings in garching in 1997 , 2002 respectively.

the weihenstephan campus restructured start of winter semester 2000/01 , realigned along scientific lines: former faculties of agriculture , horticulture, brewing, food technology , dairy science, forestry faculty belonged ludwig maximilian university, collectively accommodated in newly established weihenstephan science centre life&food sciences, land use , environment (wzw).

an entrepreneurial university

numerous other reform procedures have been realised since 1995 under auspices of tum s president, wolfgang a. herrmann, such introduction of efficient guidance , decision profiles, resolute expansion of university s autonomy in keeping new philosophy of entrepreneurial university , university-wide core competences in field of informatics, establishment of central institutes , research platforms interdisciplinary focus, introduction of numerous, attractive bachelor/master s degree courses, strategic internationalisation, enhanced collaboration industrial , social partners, stepping professional fundraising, inauguration of carl-von-linde academy house humanities, cultural , social studies.

in 2002, tum initiated setting-up of first subsidiary of german university abroad german institute of science , technology (gist) in singapore.

the commissioning of new heinz maier-leibniz research reactor munich (frm-ii) in 2004 heralded in new era of neutron research lots of promising applications in fields of science, technology , medicine. high-flux neutron source has served place tum among world s leaders in terms of scientific , technical research.

by summer semester 2010, tum comprised thirteen faculties more 26,000 students (about 20 per cent of whom came abroad), 460 professors of both sexes , 8,500 members of staff. in 2013, university has 32.547 students (18% international), 507 professors (16% female), , 9,704 members of staff.


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