The Shaolin Monastery Shorinji Kempo

the mural painting in shaolin monastery in doshin took heavy influence from.

the name shōrinji literal reading of chinese shaolin temple shaolin monastery in henan province, china. dōshin sō claimed have inherited title of 21st master of giwamon-ken (義和門拳) system (in mandarin: yihe mén quán) believed have been used during boxer rebellion of 1899 1901.

dōshin sō impressed see paintings on wall of byakue-den (白衣殿) chapel @ shaolin temple. style of monks practicing martial arts fresh , vital him. believed origin of existing quanfa in china. (source: book hiden shorinji kempo 秘伝少林寺拳法「光文社」written doshin so, published kobun-sha kappa books)


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