Production Voices of a Distant Star

screenshots of places in japan used in animation of voices of distant star

voices of distant star written, directed , produced makoto shinkai on power mac g4 using lightwave, adobe photoshop 5.0, adobe after effects 4.1 , commotion 3.1 dv software. around june 2000, shinkai drew first picture voices—of girl holding mobile telephone in cockpit.

shinkai said ova inspired dracula , laputa. stated production took 7 months complete. said inspiration frequent sending of text messaging wife when working. shinkai cited availability of digital hardware , software tools image production @ workplace, falcom, , friends view individual film production occur because of introduction of playstation 2 , dvds.

makoto , girlfriend, mika shinohara, provided voice acting working dub. second japanese dub later created dvd release professional voice actors. makoto s friend tenmon, had worked makoto s video game company, provided soundtrack. song , film created in sync during storyboarding. sometimes, timing of animation had changed match music.

i think s because of theme of story - communication between people. used cell phones in story because commonly used in japan communicate, there many countries people don t use cell phones. communication heart ever-lastingly important wherever are, assume why appealed many people. other thing appealing created animation myself. mass media reported on man created anime himself. m looking forward more people doing things way , seeing emergence of independent animators, whether s individuals or small groups.

the ending theme ova, through years , far away (hello, little star), composed tenmon, lyrics written k. juno , sung low.


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