Career Mike Wilson (executive)

1 career

1.1 id software
1.2 ion storm
1.3 gathering of developers
1.4 substancetv
1.5 take-two interactive
1.6 gamecock media group
1.7 devolver digital

1.7.1 devolver digital films

id software

joining id software in 1996 marketing of company s gaming catalogue, wilson oversaw launches of several games in id s line-up, including sequels , add-ons games in doom , heretic/hexen series. mike oversaw launch retail shareware version of quake through use of encrypted cd-roms , later dvds, making titles readily available major retailers , 7-11 stores nationwide.

ion storm

leaving id software @ end of 1996, wilson went on join john romero , tom hall launch game development company, ion storm. wilson ceo dec 1996 dec 1997 , helped grow company 8 88 employees before exiting due highly volatile , public conflict third developer partner in company, todd porter, became ceo after wilson s departure. before left founded gathering of developers, wilson instrumental in bringing warren spector ion fold, created deus ex franchise out of austin office.

gathering of developers

in january 1998, wilson, along harry miller, ceo of ritual entertainment, , several other independent development studios including 3d realms, epic games, terminal reality, , poptop software, founded gathering of developers. gathering painted artist-friendly, developer-driven publishing operation brand developers above publishing label , permit them own intellectual property, thereby earning highest royalty rates in industry @ time. funded through distribution , co-publishing deals take-two interactive, gathering published several pc games including railroad tycoon 2, stronghold, serious sam, tropico, darkstone, mafia, , max payne after company s acquisition take-two in may 2000. after sudden death of gathering co-founder doug myres in summer of 2001, wilson , miller negotiated separation , entire texas-based crew take-two interactive.

wilson along majority of talent @ gathering went on form substancetv.


after leaving take-two in 2001, wilson took majority of gathering s employees him new start-up video-magazine on dvd called substancetv. substancetv s focus aimed @ gen-x friendly, non-mainstream content such music videos, short films, original short documentaries, , other content not available elsewhere. unable make venture work commercially, wilson winded down in august 2002 after publishing 7 issues.

take-two interactive

in 2002, wilson became executive vice president of a&r @ take-two interactive. having started work on first feature documentary @ time, wilson took dual roles in gaming , film during 2002-2004, working take-two out of small gathering office in austin while producing film burning man: beyond black rock (released in 2006 wea) out of gone off deep productions office across hall.

upon completion of contract take-two , film production, wilson rejoined harry miller in fundraising effort start independent games publisher, codenamed god2. taking 2 years raise funds, god2 nameed gone off deep games in august 2006. during time, wilson completed documentary entitled temple builder.

gamecock media group

on february 12, 2007, mike wilson , partners harry miller , rick stults announced formation of gamecock media group, new video game publisher hope act equivalent of independent film company small game developers. gamecock acquired southpeak games in october 2008, after releasing several titles including mushroom men wii , nintendo ds, dementium: ward nintendo ds, hail chimp xbox 360 , playstation 3, legendary xbox 360 , playstation 3, stronghold: crusader extreme pc, insecticide pc , nintendo ds, , fury pc. southpeak dissolved brand , released later gamecock titles, such velvet assassin , section 8 under own label.

devolver digital

in late 2008, mike wilson rejoined harry miller , several other former partners found devolver digital, producer/publisher hybrid working croteam, creators of serious sam franchise wilson , miller helped establish while gathering of developers. devolver s first release, serious sam hd: first encounter, came out in november 2009 on pc , january 2010 on xbox live arcade. serious sam hd: second encounter released in may 2010 on pc , september 22 on xbla.

after release of serious sam 3 in 2011, devolver decided shift focus larger development cycles emerging indie gaming scene. using serious sam series test bed indie development , relations, devolver worked developer vlambeer release serious sam: random encounter in october 2011. since then, devolver has gone on release hotline miami developer dennaton games, selling on 2,000,000 copies on steam (software) alone of october, 2016.

devolver digital films

at sxsw 2013, devolver announced extending brand digital film distribution. wilson spearheading devolver s film distribution arm, bringing in partner andie grace company s vp of acquisitions. end of 2013, devolver had released more dozen independent films festival circuit, , seeking more completed , near-completed projects promote , distribute across various cable vods , digital release channels.


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