Economy Cheddar, Somerset

cheddar youth hostel

the village gave name cheddar cheese, popular type of cheese in united kingdom. cheese made , consumed worldwide, , 1 producer remains in village.

since 1880s, cheddar s other main produce has been strawberry, grown on south-facing lower slopes of mendip hills. consequence of use transporting strawberries market, since-closed cheddar valley line became known strawberry line after opened in 1869. line ran yatton wells. when rest of line closed , passenger services ceased, section of line between cheddar , yatton remained open goods traffic. provided fast link main markets strawberries in birmingham , london, closed in 1964, becoming part of cheddar valley railway nature reserve.

cheddar ales small brewery based in village, producing beer local public houses. tourism significant source of employment. around 15 percent of employment in sedgemoor provided tourism, within cheddar estimated employ many 1,000 people.

the village has youth hostel, , number of camping , caravan sites.


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