Timeline Charles Graner

graner , england

graner , sabrina harman

graner appears punching, or pretending punch, handcuffed iraqi prisoners

2002: graner joins army reserve.
may 5, 2003: graner called active duty in iraq.
2003–2004 abu ghraib prisoner abuse:

specialist sabrina harman testified graner s assignment, graner , frederick s job [...] these people talk military intelligence officers , oga, short other government agency, nickname cia.
graner appears in several pictures fellow guards lynndie england , sabrina harman, giving thumbs in front of nude prisoners. in 1 photo, graner poses on dead body of manadel al-jamadi, iraqi prisoner; small patch of blood can seen on al-jamadi s right temple , eyes sealed closed tape. according spc. jason kenner s testimony, al-jamadi brought prison navy seals in health; kenner says saw al-jamadi looked extensively bruised when brought out of showers, dead. according kenner battle took place among cia , military interrogators on should dispose of body. capt. donald reese, company commander of 372nd military police company, gave testimony al-jamadi s death, saying saw dead prisoner. reese testified, told when brought in, combative, took him room , during interrogation passed. reese stated corpse locked in shower room overnight, first saw him. reese says first told man had died of heart attack, when saw him bleeding head, nose, mouth . body autopsied, concluding cause of death blood clot trauma.
prisoner kasim mehaddi hilas testifies regarding experiences @ abu ghraib, telling investigators graner had cuffed him bars of cell window, after hilas had asked graner time because wanted pray. graner left him, feet dangling above floor, 5 hours. hilas detailed events had witnessed of graner , of fellow soldiers sodomizing , otherwise abusing other detainees. these events detailed other prisoners including of victims themselves. according hilas, graner repeatedly threw detainees meals toilets , said, eat it.
spec. joseph m. darby, reported happening in prison, stated had asked graner, when mp in charge of tier s night shift, if had photographs of cell shooting took place. darby received 2 cds of photographs graner. darby told investigators, thought discs had pictures of iraq, cell shooting occurred. however, discs contained hundreds of photographs showing naked detainees being abused u.s. soldiers. feeling had seen wrong , darby compelled it. upon being confronted darby, graner responded, christian in me says s wrong, corrections officer in me says, love make grown man piss himself.
julie scelfo , rod nordland of newsweek reported, 1 military investigator wrote in notes on graner: biggest s.o.b. on earth, comment underlined twice.

may 14, 2004: u.s. army files 7 criminal charges against graner under uniform code of military justice, punishments ranging 24.5 years in prison, forfeiture of pay, reduction in rank , dishonorable discharge:

the charges of adultery , obstruction of justice dropped before first trial began. later, other charges dropped, leaving charges conspiracy maltreat detainees, assault , committing indecent acts. made maximum penalty 17.5 years instead of 24.5 years.

may 19, 2004: graner arraigned along staff sergeant ivan l. chip frederick ii , sergeant javal davis. of them waive right have charges read aloud. pleas deferred. on same day, jeremy c. sivits, first soldier go on trial, sentenced maximum penalty of 1 year in prison , bad conduct discharge.
june 25, 2004: spc. israel rivera, military intelligence analyst, testifies @ hearing in baghdad decide whether spc. sabrina harman should court-martialed. rivera says graner shouted homosexual slurs @ 3 naked prisoners, ordering them crawl along ground genitalia had drag along floor. according rivera, graner shouting things like, guys fucking in there , fucking fags.
three key witnesses refused testify against graner during secret hearing on grounds might incriminate (see fifth amendment united states constitution):

lieutenant colonel steven l. jordan, director of joint interrogation , debriefing center @ prison oversaw interrogations;
captain donald j. reese, commander of 372nd military police company, in graner served; and
adel nakhla, civilian translator, employed private military contractor titan corporation, assigned 205th military intelligence brigade; mentioned in taguba report suspect.

^ [1] archived june 11, 2004, @ wayback machine.
^ soldier claims commander present @ death of abu ghraib prisoner, abc news, 2004-06-26. retrieved 2009-03-03.
^ cite error: named reference washpostnewdetails invoked never defined (see page).
^ punishment , amusement, washington post, 2004-05-21. retrieved 2009-03-03.
^ beneath hoods archived february 5, 2005, @ wayback machine., newsweek. retrieved 2009-03-03.
^ http://articles.latimes.com/2004/may/15/nation/na-womack15[ iraq prison case attorney military law expert], la times, 2004-05-15. retrieved 2009-03-03.
^ preferred charges against, findlaw.com, 2005-05-14. retrieved 2009-03-03.
^ defense witness: graner disobeyed orders, nbc austin, 2005-01-12. retrieved 2009-03-03.
^ soldier sentenced one-year confinement prison actions archived september 27, 2006, @ wayback machine., italy.usembassy.gov, 2004-05-19. retrieved 2009-03-03.
^ lucifer effect, google books. retrieved 2009-03-03.
^ 3 witnesses in abuse case aren t talking, san francisco chronicle, 2004-05-19. retrieved 2009-03-03.


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