Soundtrack The Birds (film)

many of sound effects created on mixtur-trautonium, electronic musical instrument developed oskar sala.

hitchcock decided without conventional incidental score. instead, made use of sound effects , sparse source music in counterpoint calculated silences. wanted use electroacoustic mixtur-trautonium create birdcalls , noises. had first encountered predecessor synthesizer on berlin radio in late 1920s. invented friedrich trautwein , further developed oskar sala trautonium, create of bird sounds film.

the director commissioned sala , remi gassmann design electronic soundtrack. credited electronic sound production , composition , , hitchcock s previous musical collaborator bernard herrmann credited sound consultant .

source music includes first of claude debussy s deux arabesques, tippi hedren s character plays on piano, , risseldy rosseldy , americanized version of scottish folk song wee cooper o fife , sung schoolchildren.


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