Later career Paul Cellucci

cellucci @ 2008 campaign event presidential candidate rudy giuliani

on march 18, 2005, day after cellucci had resigned ambassadorship, magna entertainment corporation announced had hired cellucci. magna chairman frank stronach said cellucci s role reform u.s. horse racing regulations.

in september 2005, cellucci published book called unquiet diplomacy, memoir of time ambassador. in book, praised canada great nation , had criticism governments of former prime ministers jean chrétien , paul martin.

the same month, shortly after interview u.s. ambassador canada david wilkins stirred controversy on comments made on case of maher arar, cellucci gave interview in explained position on arar case. while ambassador, cellucci had declined participate inquiry americans extraordinary rendition of arar syria , possible role of canadian officials in rendition, being consistent bush administration s position nothing improper had been done. cellucci s comments in 2005 interview seen rebuke wilkins. cellucci acknowledged, part of unfairness took canadian citizen, shipped him third country without consulting canada, apparently exonerating canadian officials. cellucci did point out result of canadian government s protest arar, united states , canada exchanged letters, in each undertook notify other country if either government going remove, involuntarily, national of other country third country. while each country retains rights in security interests, cellucci believed practical matter, makes highly unlikely arar situation happen again.

the same interview revealed cellucci, private citizen, had second thoughts stance had taken ambassador on invasion of iraq. during lead-up invasion of iraq, cellucci had put pressure on canada join in invasion, based on american , uk assertions saddam s administration possessed dangerous arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. in 2005 cellucci acknowledged: we’re not right, , on particular 1 looks weren’t right, although know @ point in past did have these weapons.

cellucci left magna entertainment in fall of 2006 , joined boston office of law firm of mccarter & english, llp, held title of special counsel.

in 2008, cellucci said that, after thirty-five years in public service, had no intention of seeking further office, , that, while had no interest in serving vice president, did not exclusively rule out. supported john mccain s candidacy president in 2008.

in 2013, cellucci signatory amicus curiae brief submitted united states supreme court in support of same-sex marriage during hollingsworth v. perry case.


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