Ideology and political positions Moderate Party
fredrik reinfeldt, leader of party between 2003 , 2015.
the moderate party states ideology mix of liberalism , conservatism, , corresponds called liberal conservatism. term liberalism in sweden , of europe not used in way used in united states denote modern liberals , progressives, closer traditional meaning of classical liberalism.
the party supports free markets , personal freedom , has historically been essential force privatisation, deregulation, lowering tax rates, , reduction of public-sector growth rate. other issues emphasized party such actions against violent crime , sex crime, increasing , promoting value of working, , quality in educational system. party supports same-sex marriage in sweden , sweden s membership in european union.
the party campaigned changing currency euro in 2003 referendum. party still in favor of euro of 2013, expressed issue of membership of eurozone not relevant until member states have met strict requirements set party, example regarding budget deficits.
after fredrik reinfeldt became leader, party moved further towards political centre , adopted pragmatic views. party abandoned several of old key features such proportional income tax , increased military spending. former characteristic, according neo-liberal, criticism of labour laws changed towards conserving swedish model , careful embracing of balance on labour market.
with ascension of anna kinberg batra party leader, party has adjusted position in political spectrum, moving towards political right. party has abandoned liberal stance on immigration, notably manifested fredrik reinfeldt s summer speech in 2014 in appealed open hearts meet expected migrant waves. party supports border controls , tougher rules immigrants, including temporary residence permits, stricter requirements family reunification , cuts in welfare benefits. swedish values recurring subject in anna kindberg batra s speech @ almedalen week in 2016, , said immigrants should make efforts learn swedish language , take part of swedish societal orientation, or risk getting reduced benefits , harder permanent residence permits. since 2015, party has taken demand increased military spending, , has supported re-introduction of mandatory military service, inactivated in sweden under fredrik reinfeldt in 2010.
the party in favour of swedish membership of nato , wants sweden apply membership during next term of office, after swedish general election in 2018. party has expressed wish membership applied finland.
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