History Jade Collection in National Museum

unworked jade.

jade gemstone unique symbolic energy known glossy surface, hardness , translucency. term jade commonly used cover nephrite, jadeite , chloromelanite groups of minerals, of hard , attractively coloured. bowenite called false jade or jade alike , softer true jade.

jade comes in attractive colours ranging across dark green, pale green, white , yellow. precious stone comes rivers karakash , yarkand in kwen-lun range , kashgar, in southern , northern china, besides upper myanmar , tibet. variety of jade jewellery , utility objects used islamic rulers such timurids, ottomans of turkey, safavids of persia , mughals of india.

jade became popular in india akbar s time (16th century), although green jadite beads found @ mohen-jo-daor , hiuen-tsang s travel accounts mention use of jade in india. english sea captain, howkins, visited jahangir s court in 1613 found 5 hundred cups made of rubies, emeralds, jade , other semi-precious stones.

the choicest carved , jewel studded jade armoury, jewellery , luxury items have been arranged here, reflect richness of jade carving tradition of india. few chinese artefacts on display examples of ritual implements , sculptures.


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