Governor of Florida Rick Scott

1 governor of florida

1.1 medicaid expansion
1.2 climate change
1.3 redistricting amendments
1.4 death penalty
1.5 gun laws
1.6 education

governor of florida

governor scott, florida attorney general pam bondi, , other state officials

governor scott coast guard in miami

governor scott speaking @ veterans award ceremony

scott became governor of florida on january 4, 2011. 1 month later, on february 16, 2011, rejected $2.3 billion in federal funding develop high-speed rail between tampa , orlando. scott cited california s experience high-speed rail, namely lower expected ridership , cost overruns doubled final price. in response, veto-proof majority in florida senate approved letter rebuking scott , asking department of transportation continue funding.

on march 1, 2011, 2 state senators filed petition florida supreme court compel scott accept rail funds on grounds scott lacked constitutional authority reject funds had been approved prior legislature. on march 4, florida supreme court held scott s rejection of rail funds did not violate florida constitution.

following rejection of central florida s high speed rail project, scott moved have florida department of transportation amend work plan include $77 million dredging port of miami depth of 50 feet. once port dredged, panamax-sized vessels coming through expanded panama canal load , unload cargo there.

in june 2011, scott signed bill requiring seeking welfare under federal temporary assistance needy families program submit drug screenings. applicants fail drug test may name person receive benefits children.

in interview cnn host don lemon, scott said, studies show people on welfare higher users of drugs people not on welfare , bottom line is, if re not using drugs, s not issue . politifact said comment half true . government researchers in 1999-2000 reported 9.6 percent of people in families receiving type of government assistance reported recent drug use, compared 6.8 percent among people in families receiving no government assistance @ all.

however, preliminary figures showed 2.5% of applicants tested positive drugs, 2% declining take test, while justice department estimates around 6% of americans use drugs overall. law declared unconstitutional, 11th u.s. circuit court of appeals upholding ruling in december 2014. scott administration declined appeal decision supreme court.

in december 2012, scott announced plan encourage students pursue majors in engineering , science reducing tuition majors.

medicaid expansion

scott has changed position , reversed himself on medicaid expansion in florida 3 times, in 2012, 2013 , 2015.

climate change

scott skeptical extent of anthropogenic climate change, saying m not scientist . quote or paraphrases thereof became talking points republican political candidates in 2014 election campaigns. political blog daily kos proposed new category scott, climate-change mutism , unable express opinion.

when questioned press on march 9, 2015 in hialeah, florida, scott did not indicate whether or not believes global warming problem or whether florida s department of environmental protection has made or making preparations potential consequences.

in march 2015, accusations made administration had instructed department of environmental protection officials avoid terms climate change or global warming in official communications. scott denied claims administration had banned terms.

while overall sea level rise has held steady according tidal gauges, autumn king tides in 21st century exceed predictions have caused nuisance flooding in miami metropolitan area. see miami beach#elevation , tidal flooding, , transportation in south florida#sea level-related engineering.

redistricting amendments

in 2010 elections, florida voters passed constitutional amendments banning gerrymandering of congressional , legislative districts.

in february 2011, governor scott withdrew request united states department of justice approve these amendments, which, according miami herald, might delay implementation of redistricting plan because voting rights act requires preclearance of state laws affect minority representation. scott said wanted make sure redistricting carried properly. several advocacy groups sued scott in federal court compel governor resubmit acts justice department.

death penalty

in 2013, scott signed timely justice act (hb 7101) overhaul processes capital punishment in florida.

the united states supreme court struck down part of law in january 2016 in hurst v. florida, declaring, in 8–1 decision, judge determining aggravating facts used in considering death sentence non-binding recommendation jury based on majority vote insufficient , violated sixth amendment guarantee of jury trial.

the florida legislature passed new statute comply u.s. supreme court s decision in march 2016, changing sentencing method require 10-juror supermajority sentence of death life sentence alternative. new sentencing scheme, however, struck down florida supreme court in 5–2 ruling in october 2016, held death sentence must issued unanimous jury.

the court ruled law cannot applied pending prosecutions means until florida legislature acts, there no procedure or law allowing prosecutor seek death penalty; leaves open, however, status of sentences passed under twice-struck down provisions, left open january 2016 united states supreme court hurst decision. court granted hurst new sentencing hearing following same supreme court decision.

gun laws

on june 9, 2017, scott signed expanded version of florida s stand-your-ground law law.


during summer of 2017, rick scott signed bill (hb 989 , sb 1210) allow florida resident challenge use or adoption of instructional materials in public schools. proponents of bill argue bill allow parents more proactive in child s education. opponents of bill argue bill allow more censorship, scientific topics global warming , evolution.


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