Subgenus Psithyrus List of bumblebee species

bombus barbutellus

bombus campestris

bombus rupestris

bombus ashtoni – ashton cuckoo bumble bee
bombus barbutellus – barbut s cuckoo-bee
bombus bellardii
bombus bohemicus
bombus branickii
bombus campestris
bombus chinensis
bombus citrinus – lemon cuckoo bumble bee
bombus coreanus
bombus cornutus
bombus expolitus
bombus ferganicus
bombus fernaldae – fernald s cuckoo bumble bee
bombus flavidus
bombus insularis – indiscriminate cuckoo bumble bee
bombus maxillosus
bombus monozonus
bombus morawitzianus
bombus norvegicus
bombus novus
bombus perezi
bombus quadricolor
bombus rupestris
bombus skorikovi
bombus suckleyi – suckley s cuckoo bumble bee
bombus sylvestris
bombus tibetanus
bombus turneri
bombus variabilis – variable cuckoo bumble bee
bombus vestalis – vestal cuckoo bumble bee


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