Examples Multinucleate
1 examples
1.1 osteoclasts
1.2 syncytia
1.3 coenocytes
1.4 pathological examples
osteoclasts multinucleated cells found commonly in human body aid in maintenance , repair of bones secreting acid dissolves bone matter. typically found have 5 nuclei per cell.
multinucleate cells can occur naturally under physiological conditions fusion of plasma membranes of cells forming syncytia. examples include skeletal muscle cells of mammals, tapetal cells of plants, , storage cells of douglas-fir seeds. polymorphonuclear leukocytes of mammals not polynuclear cells, although lobes of nuclei bifurcated can appear under suboptimal microscopy.
the chlorarachniophytes form multinucleate cells fusion, being syncytia , not coenocytes. syncytia called plasmodium, in sense of multinucleate protoplast without cell wall exhibits amoeboid movement. other examples include plasmodiophorids, haplosporidians, , grex of cellular slime moulds (dictyostelids , acrasids).
furthermore, multinucleate cells produced specialized cell cycles in nuclear division occurs without cytokinesis, leading large coenocytes or plasmodia. in filamentous fungi, multinucleate cells may extend on hundreds of meters different regions of single cell experience dramatically different microenvironments. other examples include, plasmodia of plasmodial slime molds (myxogastrids) , schizont of plasmodium parasite causes malaria.
pathological examples
multinucleated cells can occur under pathological conditions consequence of disturbed cell cycle control (e.g., binucleated cells , in metastasizing tumor cells).
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