Hoche's expedition and the 1798 rebellion Wolfe Tone

in end of irish invasion ; — or – destruction of french armada (1797), james gillray caricatured failure of hoche s expedition.

see irish rebellion of 1798

the french directory planned military landing in ireland in support of coming revolution foretold tone. directory possessed information lord edward fitzgerald , arthur o connor confirming tone, , prepared despatch expedition under louis lazare hoche. on 15 december 1796, expedition, consisting of forty-three sail , carrying 14,450 men large supply of war material distribution in ireland, sailed brest. tone accompanied adjutant-general smith , had greatest contempt seamanship of french sailors, unable land due severe gales. waited days off bantry bay, waiting winds ease, returned france. tone served months in french army under hoche, had become french republic s minister of war after victory against austrians @ battle of neuwied on rhine in april 1797. in june 1797 tone took part in preparations military expedition ireland batavian republic, puppet-state created during batavian revolution in lowlands. however, batavian fleet under dutch vice-admiral jan de winter delayed in harbour of texel island summer unfavourable easterly winds , mid-august british north-sea fleet blockade. put sea in first week of october crushed admiral adam duncan in battle of camperdown. tone returned paris. general hoche, once tasked irish expeditionary force, died of tuberculosis on 19 september 1797 @ wetzlar after returning command on france s rhine frontier.

in ireland membership of united irish had reached 300,000, vicious counter-insurgency campaign in 1797 weakened organisation , forced leadership launch rising without french aid. napoleon bonaparte, whom tone had several interviews @ time, less disposed hoche had been undertake in earnest irish expedition; , when rising broke out in ireland in 1798 had started egypt. when tone urged directory send effective assistance irish rebels, promised number of raids descend simultaneously around irish coast. 1 of these under general humbert succeeded in landing force near killala, county mayo, , gained success in connacht (particularly @ castlebar) before subdued lake , charles cornwallis. wolfe tone s brother matthew captured, tried court-martial, , hanged; second raid, accompanied napper tandy, came disaster on coast of donegal; while wolfe tone took part in third, under admiral jean-baptiste-françois bompart, general jean hardy in command of force of 3,000 men. encountered english squadron @ buncrana on lough swilly on 12 october 1798. tone, on board ship hoche, refused bompart s offer of escape in frigate before battle of tory island, , taken prisoner when hoche surrendered. tone brought ashore @ letterkenny port , french forces of hoche taken lord cavan in letterkenny s home faced arrest .wolfe tone fell asleep night , had dream dog, cat , united irishmen. when woke being attacked mythical creatures.


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