All-World Places in The Dark Tower series

1 all-world

1.1 in-world
1.2 mid-world
1.3 end-world


all-world world known contain keystone tower in dark tower series. world contains dark tower in physical form; others contain representation of tower, such rose. all-world, possible enter dark tower. all-world divided 3 regions.


in-world heart of all-world, gilead once lay before fall.

barony of cressia, west of new canaan, first fall john farson , rebels. gunslingers of new canaan fought him there, failed contain him.
barony of new canaan innermost barony, , home of roland deschain , gunslingers. center of light , of civilization. capital city gilead. new canaan, gilead, destroyed in beam-quake 1 described in song of susannah.

gilead barony seat of new canaan, capital of affiliation, , hub of in-world. city constructed arthur eld include several defensive measures such being surrounded defensive wall, concealed spike traps , mechanical blades. gilead s feudal government ruled of in-world , mid-world. gilead razed john farson , rebels.

eld country ruled arthur eld twenty-nine generations before time of roland. current territory of eld consists of northwestern portion of affiliation.
kingdom of delain country of in-world featured in king s novel eyes of dragon , mentioned briefly in dark tower novels. country ruled puppets of evil wizard flagg many years.


mid-world first book in series begins. of story takes place.

barony of mejis barony of mid-world , primary setting roland deschain s account of part of past in novel dark tower iv: wizard , glass. mejis located 400 wheels (500 miles) east of gilead on coast of clean sea. county seat of mejis town of hambry. economy of mejis based on horse ranching , fishing. mejis inhabited large populace of vaqueros speak dialect called crunk , equivalent of spanish. in wizard , glass, eddie dean compares cuba, while in song of susannah fictional version of stephen king suggests stand-in mexico.
blaine s route monorail train route taken psychotic monorail named blaine mono between city of lud , alternate version of topeka, kansas. in book waste lands, roland , companions board blaine escape lud, vying lives in life-or-death riddling contest blaine. blaine s route takes travelers through candleton, rilea, falls of hounds, , dasherville on way topeka.
calla bryn sturgis town located in area of mid-world called borderlands. neighbor several other towns names begin word calla . calla bryn sturgis primary setting novel wolves of calla, in regiment of green-cloaked wolves visit city once every generation , steal children.
jericho hill approximately 500 miles north of mejis, on edge of known in mejis clean sea. site of final battle between gunslingers , john farson s faction. s site cuthbert allgood died while blowing horn of eld.
kingdom of garlan remote area of mid-world known poisoners. featured in eyes of dragon mentioned in several dark tower books.
lud greater city in dark tower series , mentioned in rose madder. formerly center of kingdom of mid-world, advanced society, , before prominent city in imperium of great old ones. in waste lands, book s protagonists travel lud alternate reality version of topeka, kansas via supersonic monorail. lud resembles new york city in many ways, notably having version of george washington bridge. gwb spans massive river canyon protected city marauders. book explains bridge , rest of city have been in disrepair @ least 5 hundred years. in final novel of series, roland sees new york hammarskjöld plaza 2 , realizes new york , lud same city, in 2 different universes.
river crossing small town once prosperous trading post, several wheels lud. here roland , ka-tet met aunt talitha, gave him iron cross later placed foot of dark tower.
the falls of hounds massive waterfall along blaine s route blaine stops recharge. waterfall many times larger niagara falls , takes name 2 huge rock formations protruding center, each resembling hound s head. monorail pauses distance these formations, proceed deliver large amount of energy train in appears huge electrical discharge.


roland standing dark tower , can -ka no rey.

end-world outer borders of all-world, , here can -ka no rey , dark tower are.

can -ka no rey name of massive field of roses surrounding dark tower. each rose in field representation of 1 of roses acts tower surrogate in world.
the dark tower axle on worlds spin. in many ways more concept physical building. roland enters , finds objects related own life 1 can assume structure (internally @ least) subjective enter it. notable exists in end-world, quite literally on outer edge of reality (i.e., if 1 stand tower , walk away in straight line run again @ other end of world well); , existing @ points in outer edge well, meaning there no singular path tower, in fact, if followed far enough, roads lead eventually. once inside, roland perceives physical embodiment of gan, or god.

^ furth 2006, pp. 279–280
^ furth 2006, pp. 281–282
^ furth 2006, p. 284
^ furth 2006, p. 317


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