Work Mez Breeze

breeze developed, , continues write in, hybrid language mezangelle. unorthodox use of language demonstrates ubiquity of digitisation , intersections of digital , real increasingly common in 21st century life. creating static literary texts using mezangelle, breeze creates multi-disciplinary multimedia works online, , participates in online happenings blur lines between on- , off-line behaviour.

code poetry

these works not content let code remain below surface rather show erupting through surface of screen challenge hegemony of alphabetic language.

mezangelle type of poetry breeze developed in 1990s using internet text language found in ascii codes, online games, , other forms of internet communication. mezangelle refers both works , hybrid language in composed—codeworks of sort playfully utilize programming terminology , syntax alongside human-only or so-called natural language, creating creolised language combines human language , code. in these works, primary message semantically overcoded in such way multiple different readings made possible. example, word mezangelle written m[ez]ang.elle , demonstrates ways in punctuation , non-alphabetical symbols (in case period , square brackets) disrupt , erupt through human readable language. word mezangelle , neologism, fractured multiple fragments may allude words mez , ez (easy), mangle , angle , angel , , elle , along many possible others. hybridisation of human-only , digital languages demonstrates both reliance of human language upon connotation , context, , inclusion of code in everyday digital communications. breeze creates games in texts in mezangelle combined images , sound. these works fragmentary or chaotic, rely both upon polysemic nature of mezangelle , inherent possibilities of computer programming display of dynamic audiovisual elements.

online interventions

breeze explores , exploits environments involve online socialisations or encounters. such encounters involve modification of online gaming environments, such world of warcraft, eve online, , social networking , alternate gaming software. member of online group third faction, breeze has been involved in number of in-game projects within world of warcraft, aim of disrupting , challenging combative structure of game. in way, breeze challenges assumed binary division between online environment , real world, , acts subvert factionalised “confrontational player-vs-player interaction” game world tries enforce. breeze’s use of multiple avatars digital works further emphasises breakdown of division between digital , real selves.


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