History İstiklal Marşı

original manuscript written mehmet Âkif ersoy.

the present-day anthem collective effort several prominent poets, musicians, , composers took form on several years due relatively tumultuous nature of period in crafted.

even before full official dissolution of ottoman empire, nationwide competition organized in 1921 turkish national movement — independent , self-organized militia force led mustafa kemal atatürk waging lengthy campaign independence against both invading foreign powers , ottoman court itself, due latter being seen treasonous , complicit in partitioning of turkish homeland in aftermath of 1920 treaty of sèvres. goal of competition select original composition suitable national march, intended both motivate militia forces fighting independence across country, , provide inspiration , pride new homeland established once victory achieved.

a total of 724 poems submitted. mehmet akif ersoy, well-known poet of period, refused participate due monetary prize being offered in competition, subsequently contacted , convinced national parliament submit poem , disregard reward. resulting ten-stanza-long poem written ersoy recited national assembly representative hamdullah suphi, on march 1, 1921, unanimously adopted deputies following evaluation parliamentary committee. prize of competition later bestowed on society of veterans.

shortly thereafter, twenty-four composers participated in competition arranged selection of musical composition best suit elected anthem. committee, able convene in 1924 due 1919-1923 turkish war of independence, adopted music composed ali rıfat Çağatay.

this composition Çağatay lasted 6 years. in 1930, new composition osman zeki Üngör, virtuoso composer , first conductor of presidential symphony orchestra of republic of turkey, adopted permanent musical arrangement parliament. shortly thereafter, in 1932, eminent turkish composer, conductor, , musicologist of armenian descent edgar manas (armenian: Էտկար Մանաս) commissioned turkish republic harmonize , orchestrate melody created Üngör, , final , official version of anthem took form.


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