Editors and contributors National Review

1 editors , contributors

1.1 notable current contributors
1.2 notable past contributors
1.3 washington editors

editors , contributors

the magazine s current editor-in-chief rich lowry. many of magazine s commentators affiliated think-tanks such heritage foundation , american enterprise institute. prominent guest authors have included newt gingrich, mitt romney, peter thiel, , ted cruz in on-line , paper edition.

notable current contributors

current , past contributors national review (n.r.) magazine, national review online (n.r.o.), or both:

notable past contributors

washington editors

l. brent bozell, jr.
neal b. freeman
george will, 1973–76
neal b. freeman, 1978–81
john mclaughlin, 1981–89
william mcgurn, 1989–1992
kate o beirne
robert costa, 2012–13
eliana johnson, 2014–16

^ george f. will: daily beast bio . retrieved 2014-08-31. 


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