Career as a player Terence Reese

the concept little major born in late 1962, while reese en route tournament in canary islands boris schapiro.

first schapiro , jeremy flint, reese created little major bidding system warning of happen if development of artificial bidding systems allowed go unchecked. however, under camouflage, system genuine attempt interesting features. ultimately, system abandoned when two-year ebu license withdrawn on grounds not enough players playing system .

opinions of reese

reese s long-time partner, boris schapiro, put opinion in 1951 bridge magazine article:

terence reese: brilliant, tenacious , imaginative; amount of courage, bidder, immaculate dummy player , defender, never puts pressure on partner. concentration first class; difficult play against.

eleven years later, schapiro still thought reese best player in country:

reese still best, , in opinion greater margin before. dummy , defence immaculate ever, , old gentleman has polished bidding. believe or not, has condescended play fourth suit forcing , stayman, , suspect 1973 giving baron system close look.

upon reese s death in 1996, schapiro wrote:

... terence best player, 1 of 2 geniuses have known. other lasker, chess player. terence not slow player went trance. didn t mind , sit there , wait. knew when played card right one.

victor mollo had reese in 1967:

terence reese is, perhaps, best bridge player in world. cold, aloof, dispassionate, has many admirers... , host of enemies. intelligence of high order ... impression of one-sided unusual personality.

alan truscott wrote in new york times 2 weeks after reese s death:

reese more famous newspaper columnist, theorist , writer. 2 of books, reese on play , expert game, classics, , still read every serious student of bridge.

^ official encyclopedia of bridge. editions 1–4, new york: crown, 1964–1984. editions 5–6, memphis: acbl, 1994–2001.
^ world bridge federation results , participants, 1976.
^ european bridge league results , participants, 1981.
^ truscott, alan (21 september 1981). bridge: ban on reese had roots in writings on game . new york times. retrieved 2014-11-12.
^ truscott, alan (18 october 1981). world bridge play coming county . new york times. retrieved 2014-11-12.
^ cite error: named reference odnb invoked never defined (see page).
^ reese (1977), p. 128.
^ reese (1977), p. 112–16.
^ schapiro, boris (1951). knights of square table . contract bridge journal. reprinted in hasenson (2004), p. 63.
^ schapiro, boris (1962). contract bridge journal. reprinted in hasenson (2004), p. 63.
^ hasenson (2004), p. 149.
^ mollo, victor (1967). bridge immortals. london: faber. page 85. (us edition, 1968). new york: hart publishing. page 119.
^ truscott, alan (12 february 1996). bridge . new york times. retrieved 2014-11-12.


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