1990s Reform Party of Canada

1 1990s

1.1 1993 election

1.1.1 electoral base

1.2 status in ottawa
1.3 ontario
1.4 policies
1.5 1997 election


english version logo of reform party, adopted in 1991.

french version logo of reform party, adopted in 1991.

in 1991 , 1992, support reform rose not in western canada, in other parts of canada well, including ontario. party took note of new support , changed position being western-based political party being national party. however, excluded candidates quebec, there little support francophone quebecers reform s opposition distinct society quebec. however, manning did not dispel possibility of reform naturally expanding quebec in 1990s, in 1992 book, new canada, manning credits populist reform tradition in canada not having begun in west, , mentions roots in 19th century reform parties of upper canada (ontario) lower canada (quebec), , nova scotia fought against colonial elites such family compact , château clique , sought replace them responsible governments. in addition, manning complimented quebec being open populist politics , populist third party politics.

in 1992, mulroney government made attempt @ amending canada s constitution. charlottetown accord more ambitious meech lake accord, failed win support in nationwide referendum. reform party 1 of few groups oppose accord.

1993 election

the constitutional debacle, unpopular initiatives such introduction of goods , services tax (gst), series of high-profile scandals, contributed implosion of progressive conservative grand coalition in 1993 election. progressive conservatives suffered worst defeat ever governing party @ federal level, falling 151 2 seats, while liberals under jean chrétien won majority government.

the reform party s success in 1993 related mobilization of people opposed welfare state, represents 1 dimension of party s appeal. jenkins (2002) examines effect of issues on reform support during campaign , considers actual process issues affected party support. although candidates can prime or stress issues voters, priming label misused. jenkins makes distinction between campaign learning , priming. if voters not know party stands on issue, cannot adequately employ information in overall evaluation. evidence demonstrates increased importance of attitudes toward welfare state largely function of distribution of new information or learning, while increased importance of cultural questions represented priming.

electoral base

reform major beneficiary of tory collapse, taking 16% of popular vote – healthy increase 1988. few exceptions, pcs western support transferred en masse reform. won 4 seats in alberta , dominated british columbia well. party won 4 seats in saskatchewan , 1 seat in manitoba. besides taking on of pc seats in west, reform won several ridings held social democratic new democratic party (ndp). despite sharp ideological differences, reform s populism struck responsive chord many ndp voters dissatisfied audrey mclaughlin s leadership , ontario supporters frustrated government of ndp premier bob rae.

however, reform did not hoped east of manitoba. entirely shut out of atlantic canada – region more moderate strain of conservatism has traditionally prevailed. many red tory voters in both atlantic canada , ontario fed tories, found reform s agenda extreme , shifted liberals, @ least @ national level. despite strong support in rural central ontario, socially conservative area had been backbone of previous provincial tory governments, vote splitting national tories allowed liberals win 1 seat in ontario. reform s ed harper managed win in simcoe centre, had 123 more votes gone liberal opponent, liberals have had first-ever clean sweep of canada s populous province. turned out, reform s victory east of manitoba, ever. party did not run candidates in quebec.

status in ottawa

reform began western protest party in minds of canadians. heavy concentration of support in west netted 52 seats. however, bloc québécois s concentration of support in quebec larger, leaving reform 3 seats short of official opposition status despite finishing second in popular vote. these disappointments, 1993 election tremendous success reform. in 1 stroke, had replaced progressive conservative party major right-wing party in canada.


reform s ambitions of becoming national party , spreading east, particularly ontario, helped rise of ontario progressive conservative premier mike harris power in 1995. harris common sense revolution agenda shared of reform s fiscally neoliberal ideology, including deep spending cuts, privatization of social services, , tax cuts. party continued show ties harris means diminish support federal pc party.


reform claimed credit pressuring liberal government initiate spending cuts , focus on deficit reduction in 1995, though party had wanted deeper cuts. managed put forward own strategy national unity after slim federalist victory in 1995 quebec referendum on sovereignty, advocated deep decentralization of powers federal government provinces , territories. manning attacked, however, not appearing @ federalist rallies in quebec, prime minister chrétien , new progressive conservative leader jean charest had done.

despite steps forward, reform came under considerable attack during tenure in parliament 1994 1997. party s staunch social conservative stances on bilingualism, immigration, gay rights, women s rights, minority rights, , aboriginal rights led large number of reform mps making statements considered intolerant.

english version of reform party wave logo adopted in 1996.

french version of reform party wave logo adopted in 1996.

1997 election

from 1996 1997 election, party s executive tried refurbish party s image , shed controversial past. number of ethnic minorities sought out reform candidates upcoming 1997 election. also, reform changed tactics running candidate in every riding in canada, including in quebec. party increased total seats 60 , became official opposition. despite breakthrough, however, reform failed win seats east of manitoba. 1997 election saw return of progressive conservative party official party status following electoral dominance of conservative vote in eastern canada. party considerably hampered in efforts reach francophone voters because of manning s inability speak fluent french. there perception of party being anti-quebec due position on official bilingualism , opposition meech lake accord.

during time, reform again came under fire ostensibly being extremist. party ran election ad in faces of 4 key quebec leaders (prime minister chrétien, pc leader charest, former bloc québécois chief lucien bouchard, , new bloc leader gilles duceppe) crossed out, saying canada had been governed long quebec politicians. response ad negative, , leaders of other parties claimed ad attack on quebec , manning bigot.

disillusionment traditional political parties in general had been impetus behind reform s initial growth, growth felt have stalled. claims populist , western protest party came under attack in 1997, when manning accepted offer live @ stornoway, official residence provided leader of official opposition. manning had said stornoway waste of taxpayer money , not reside there.

reform had failed in 1997 establish clear right-wing alternative liberal party. progressive conservative party, had been steadily rebuilt under charest, enjoyed modest revival in 1997 election. won 20 seats, dismal 2 had won during in 1993 election. split in right-wing vote between reform , pcs possibly aided liberals win second majority government. political pundits claimed divided right allowed liberals gain second majority government, , claimed if 2 parties did not put away differences, result repeat itself.

manning recognized frustration canada s right-wing proponents , began discussions towards launch of new pan-canadian party, using united alternative ( ua ) forums bring grassroots reformers tories. goal create small-c conservative political alternative liberals woo ontarian , atlantic canadian voters. manning supported more right-of-centre focus federally reform, while grassroots united against reform s demise ( guard ) opposed initiative. united alternative proposal created strong debate in reform party. manning himself wrote letter effect did not want lead reform anymore, lead new party. leadership vote in 1998 managed officially put aside differences, manning winning large majority in support of leadership. afterwards, reform steadily progressed towards creating united alternative.


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