The Discovery of China Suzanne Hiltermann-Souloumiac

1 discovery of china

1.1 recognition of china france
1.2 nien cheng
1.3 french school

the discovery of china

in 1959, meets albrecht van aerssen, dutch diplomat. marry in hague on april 1, 1960. albrecht son of baron françois cornelis van aerssen van beijeren voshol who, minister plenipotentiary in china advised country, despite opposition of united states recognize china after revolution of 1947. taking advantage of support of father , of wife, baron albrecht van aerssen sent shortly after marriage hong kong dutch crown, becomes consul general.

the recognition of china france

in 1963 touty receives visit of bernard anthonioz, counsellor of andré malraux. many talks relate in particular recognition of china france. touty supports interest of france take such decision. unlike many other people of generation, not consider communists enemies. many of friends in resistance belonged communist movement. believes in sustainable alliance of great nations beyond changes , political evolutions. repeats arguments father in law, baron françois cornelis van aerssen, had issued 16 years earlier convince dutch crown.

her friend bernard conquered. discussions go far. consider historical dimensions of such recognition, contain , resolve vietnam war. composition of first team represent france in beijing evoked. touty recommends quality of jean-pierre angrémy, vice-consul in hong kong. later admitted french academy because of importance of work on china. personality of first ambassador of france in beijing considered (lucien paye).

nien cheng

the same year, meets , becomes friend nien cheng, exceptional chinese woman. sign of gratitude first discussions on china, arts , meaning of life, nien cheng offers touty 4 paintings great masters of chinese painting, including shi bai qi.

back in europe, touty learns abuse friend , daughter subjected red guards. cheng s daughter, meiping bright , promising actress. brutalized entire day red guards, while has not yet twenty, returns in evening apartment shares mother in shanghai. when pressed nien cheng, admits brutal treatments inflicted her, dirty daughter of mother serving bourgeois’ imperialism. @ time, mother represents in china shell company. guards wanted meiping condemn mother. nien in tears. meiping replies: but, mom, can hit hard want, truth remain , unable change anything.

soon after, in 1967 touty learns nien has been arrested , deported. writes letter president mao beg him free friend. in vain. nien underwent several years of captivity in harsh re-education camp. nien renews relations touty after leaving camp. in 1980, united states , canada emigrated, nien writes long letters touty memories of torment. mountains of ardèche, housed, touty relives in these sad episodes of agony suffered in ravensbrück’s concentration camp. write release. suggests chinese friend write book. nien persuaded. ask read of chapters writes. book published in 1987 under title life , death in shanghai. experienced considerable international success.

french school

to educate children in small french colony, touty founded school in 1963. @ beginning, school occupied every morning 3 rooms in premises of french alliance in hang seng bank building on des voeux road. worked volunteer teachers, of whom came consulate of france offices located few floors below . commandant houël, attaché militaire, handled mathematics. reverend-père chagny taught literature. jean-pierre angremy first history teacher.

with support of “correspondence courses” of cnte vanves, little little, school started grow 1 200 students today studying @ lycée victor segalen hong kong became asia s largest french high school.

in february 1964, touty , children left british enclave aboard laos, ship chartered messageries marîtimes. same year, touty divorced baron van aerssen. following opening of universities provoked events of may 1968, took chinese studies @ jussieu.


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