Space programme Abdus Salam

salam founder of pakistan s space programme responsible establishment of space research activities in pakistan. in 1961, salam approached president ayub khan lay foundation of country s first executive agency co-ordinate space research. on 16 september 1961, through executive order, space , upper atmosphere research commission (suparco) established of salam made first , founder director of agency. salam travelled united states, signed space co-operation agreement united states government. in november 1961, nasa built flight test center (ftc) in balochistan province. during time, salam visited air force academy met air commodore (brigadier-general) wladyslaw turowicz – polish military scientist , aerospace engineer. turowicz made first technical director of space centre, , programme of rocket testing ensued. in 1964, while in united states, salam visited oak ridge national laboratory, , met nuclear engineers salim mehmud , tariq mustafa. salam signed agreement national aeronautics , space administration (nasa) in nasa launched programme provide training pakistan s scientists , engineers. both nuclear engineers returned pakistan in few months , inducted in suparco.


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