Related species Nepenthes spathulata

an upper pitcher of n. ovata

a lower pitcher of n. naga. taxon has highly developed apical appendage , glandular crest, unusual frilled lid.

the closest relative of n. spathulata appears n. singalana. differs species in having peristome contracted towards front , wide @ sides. in addition, has less prominent peristome ribs , shorter teeth n. singalana. n. spathulata has ovate lid, compared orbicular operculum of n. singalana. furthermore, n. spathulata has fewer glands on lower surface of lid , concentrated near centre.

in jambi, ranges of both species overlap, southernmost populations of n. singalana meet northernmost populations of n. spathulata. of particular note plants growing on mount masurai, appear intermediate in form between these 2 species , cannot definitively assigned either. these plants exhibit significant morphological variability, particularly in development of peristome, resembling n. singalana , others n. spathulata. clarke writes possible 1 taxon blends other in region .

nepenthes spathulata allied n. densiflora, fact noted b. h. danser in 1940 description of latter species. however, jebb , cheek considered more n. bongso, rather n. spathulata, close relative of n. densiflora. nepenthes densiflora can distinguished n. spathulata on basis of upper pitchers, typically infundibular rather cylindrical. however, number of n. densiflora plants on mount kemiri known produce unusual cylindrical aerial pitchers. nevertheless, these plants differ n. spathulata in producing infundibular lower pitchers.

the herbarium specimens junghuhn 274 , junghuhn 275, labelled n. junghuhnii john muirhead macfarlane, have pitchers resemble of n. spathulata (as n. bongso , n. singalana). however, poorly known n. junghuhnii distinguished these species on basis of petiolate leaf bases.

the upper pitchers of n. spathulata, ovoid in lower part , cylindrical above, distinguish other related species such n. bongso , n. ovata.

in 2001, clarke performed cladistic analysis of nepenthes species of sumatra , peninsular malaysia using 70 morphological characteristics of each taxon. following part of resultant cladogram, showing clade 3 , comprises n. spathulata , 3 other related species.


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