Voter base Moderate Party

1 voter base

1.1 electoral history
1.2 parliament (riksdag)
1.3 european parliament

voter base

the table on left shows moderate party s percentage of votes , difference compared overall result among selected groups in 2010 parliamentary election, according polling station survey (valu 2010) conducted sveriges television.

the table on right shows party s percentage of votes , difference compared overall result in 2010 parliamentary election geographic constituency, according official election result given swedish election authority.

those groups/areas party s support higher among overall population marked in green, while groups/areas party s support lower among overall population marked in red.

as shown table, 5 groups moderate party has highest level of support are: company owners (40%), civil servants (34%), private sector employees (34%), males (32%) , wage laborers (32%). 5 groups party has lowest level of support are: people on sick leave (14%), members of swedish trade union confederation (lo, 16%), laborers (19%), people raised outside sweden (20%) , local government employees (21%).

geographically, moderate party has highest level of support in urban areas of stockholm county, western , southern sweden, while support in sparsely populated areas (especially in northern sweden) weaker. 5 constituencies party has highest level of support are: stockholm county (39.96%), skåne county south (38.46%), halland county (34.71%), stockholm municipality (34.29%) , skåne county west (33.80%). 5 constituencies party has lowest level of support are: norrbotten county (16.38%), västerbotten county (17.69%), västernorrland county (21.60%), jämtland county (22.20%) , gävleborg county (23.14%).

the moderate party voters ranked following issues 5 important decision in 2010 election:

the moderate party has largest share of voters identify right-wing ; 83% of party s voters identify right-wing , 2% left-wing , 14% neither right-wing nor left-wing .

furthermore, moderate party, along centre party, has largest share of voters (83%) have big/relatively big confidence in swedish politicians (average 70%).

electoral history

parliament (riksdag)

european parliament


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