French Mandates Partition of the Ottoman Empire

map of french mandate of syria , lebanon

syria , lebanon became french protectorate (thinly disguised league of nations mandate). french control met armed resistance, and, in order combat arab nationalism, france divided mandate area lebanon , 4 sub-states.

mandate of syria
mandate of lebanon

greater lebanon name of territory created france. precursor of modern lebanon. existed between 1 september 1920 , 23 may 1926. france carved territory levantine land mass (mandated league of nations) in order create safe haven maronite christian population. maronites gained self-rule , secured position in independent lebanon in 1943.

french intervention on behalf of maronites had begun capitulations of ottoman empire, agreements made during 16th 19th centuries. in 1866, when youssef bey karam led maronite uprising in mount lebanon, french-led naval force arrived help, making threats against governor, dawood pasha, @ sultan s porte , later removing karam safety.


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